Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Makes my Head hurt


Obamacare Ruined My Healthcare Coverage, And Now I'm Just Another Statistic


Where has all that Money Gone?


Obama says anti-Muslim bias in U.S. helps terrorists win, but his bias against Christians acceptable




Yep, it could happen again...


Obama Has Just Begun


Obama: 10 days ago ISIS was 'contained.' 5 days ago it was 'nothing to fear' Today it's 'a threat to us all.

Republicans and Democrats Take Aim at Obama Foreign Policies

Turkey-Russia Confrontation Risks World War Or Impotent NATO

Obama, Terror, and the Irrelevance of “Moderate Muslims”

Sunday, November 22, 2015

President Obama, martial law and Not leaving the White House in 2016

President Obama, martial law and not leaving the White House in 2016 

From JFK to Obama: 50 years of overrated Democrats 

Ben Carson: Can Obama use martial law to keep White House post 2016 

Why Mychal Massi does NOT like the Obama's

Why Mychal Massi Does not like the Obama's (click here)
Christie: Obama helped create U.S. refugee crisis

Did you know?


His Plan

Friday, November 6, 2015

Obama’s Massive Failure Has Delivered Trump’s Success
Muslim bakeries refuse to bake cakes for gay weddings VIDEO – media silent _ posted here because of Obama's reaction to others not wanting to bake the cake
Why is Obama’s hatred of America tolerated?
Barack Obama: A Good, Bad or Just Mediocre President?
How 3 New Studies Missed ObamaCare Work Hour Cuts
Another ObamaCare Shock Is Coming: 2016 Deductibles
12 Ways ObamaCare Has Failed The Working Class
ObamaCare Gives Mississippi The Blues: Rates Leap 60%
ObamaCare's Brutal Individual Mandate Test Begins
Obama: 'We are a nation of immigrants'
This Isn’t A Culture War. It’s A War On Culture
Bernie Sanders' Orwellian Lie: Socialism Is Capitalism
British Health Care, Model For Festering ObamaCare, Is A Wreck