Thursday, December 16, 2021

What's wrong with this country????


It’s the Christmas Season, I know many will complain that I typed “Christmas” instead of “holiday”, but…  Maybe those opposed to “Christmas” should be more tolerant.  Why? Because the left wants you to be…  I guess you have all heard by now, that “males” have infiltrated the women’s sport arena and are breaking “female” records.  How did this happen? The “Trans” population in a small minority, but society that use to render help to these individuals, with psychological treatment, now praises them for their decisions in believing that if they believe they are the opposite gender, then they are, which they are not, as Science tells us!  The Left claims they want to do what is best for the “common good”. But do they ever define those they include in the “common good”, No? Why? Because they want that population to be whom ever, they are pandering to at any given moment.  What about all the real female athletes who have trained years competing against other female athletes? Is it now fair to tell them their dreams and efforts were all in vain, because when competing against physically stronger male athletes, they have that snowball in hell chance of winnings?  What would be fairer? We have Special Olympics for souls that are blessed in another way. Having nonspecial Olympians to compete in special Olympians, would be unfair.  Why is there not a category for Transgender” athletes than?  Thus, I don’t understand how society now wants to harm one group of people so another group’s feelings will not be hurt.  In the past, I didn’t judge a person if they wanted to be the opposite sex, that was between them and God. But once they started forcing us to change who we are, to give up our dreams and telling us they are what they are no, that’s when it became pure nonsense. We are not the same, males are males, females are females, and believe/accept it or not, most of the time males have a physical advantage.   Remember in the beginning I stated we should be more “tolerant”?  So, what is your definition of “tolerant” behavior. Does a large group of people (usually the “Common Good”), give up their dreams and goals so the left can continue to divide our country?

Dividing groups in our country, are these just the left’s experiments? Was defunding the police a good idea in the name of using the funds that would have supported a police force to what ever group the left wanted to at that moment, because of a small group of “bad cops”?  Is the entire police force really filled with evil elements, or are there just an isolated group that needed to be trimmed from the force? What happens when there is no police force present, or the District Attorneys do not prosecute crimes?  Well, that experiment has been proven to fail also.  Remember BLM and Antifa looting and rioting and a MSM reported in front of burning buildings saying “it is a mostly peaceful demonstration?  Remember our VP pulling up bail money to put these peaceful demonstrators back on the street?  But what is happening now? Is the MSM media reporting on all the smash and robberies and yes, even murder? Are the thieves now emboldened because the thieves know they will not be prosecuted? Or is this an experiment within an experiment where the lefts defunding the police and hoping to start a civil war?  That must be their goal, everything they do is dividing our country more and more.  Do they want a civil war? Why not, they have the power to put down a civil war, and then claim, there was no reason for the “protest”, everything is fine and lock up whomever they disagree with (January 6th protect comes to mind) The only people killed were President Supporters, and it looks like there were plants to drive herd people into the building…  

Yep, I hear biden say everything is fine and he asked us, what’s the big deal to give up our freedoms in the name of patriotism? What is his definition of patriotism? Divide and conquer? Biden during his campaign said President Trump had no idea how to handle the Pandemic and that if he was elected, he would. How is that going? Now he has divided the vaccinated/boosted/and boosted-again against the unvaccinated. Have people passed away during this pandemic? Yes. Are all those deaths due to the virus?  We may never know. But the survival rate when catching the virus and over 99% and the effective rate of the vaccine is, what 86% and even less with each booster shot. Is the MSM reporting on all the adverse effects of the virus?  Do you get all your news from MSM?  If so, expand your boundaries and you will see there are many dying from the vaccine. Why is congress and other groups, defined by the government exempt from all the mandates?  Why are the pharmaceutical companies shielded from being sued from people hurt by their products?

Have you seen on the news all the protest all over the world, people are standing up, saying they will not comply with the vaccine mandates? Are these people all crazy? Or do they know the truth?

I bet you did not see on the news how people are moving from states like New York and California and other strict mandated states, to States like Florida?  Why? Because there are less restrictions in places like Florida, and the rates of infections in these types of states have gone down, without all the mask wearing and forced vaccinations.

Is this a real virus? If you search the internet many predicted this virus was coming?  Why?  Was it the perfect storm to force absentee ballots?  Why absentee ballots? Are they easily verifiable?  Could they be used to steal an election?    Will this be used again in future elections?

Will congress pass new laws in this session to keep the unvaccinated from voting in the 2022 election?  I bet this experiment is considering that most unvaccinated people are not biiden supporters? Are they cheating again?  Will we ever have a fair election again?  Is it really a crime to want to know if the 2020 election was fair?  Why has the left threatened to pack the Supreme Court if the Judges do not rule as they should (according to the left of course)?

Did you see all the biden supporters out on the streets when biden makes a public appearance? They people there are waving Trump signs and FJB signs. Where are biden’s people? We are told, by him, that he is the most populate president. Do you believe him? Is their evidence of that?

Does a popular president, leave people to die in Afghanistan by withdrawing the military before withdrawing all people?  Are you happy with the current rise in inflation (the highest in over a decade), which is driving the cost of everything up, such as gas, meat, used vehicles, groceries? Did you hear jen blame the rise in prices for meat on corporate greed? What about the increased in cost for fuel, transportation, containers, and wages, just to name a few?  Maybe that has an impact on cost jen!!! Those are all due to the policies of the biden administration.  Do you see how inflation is really a hidden tax, which is caused by the current administration (biden)?  Does this administration seem to finger point the blame at others and never take responsibility? 

Do you remember before 2020? It was not that long ago. The price of gas was much at least 50% cheaper, and the United States was energy independent. Inflation was down and the unemployment rate was down (the lowest in history), for all groups, blacks, Hispanic, Asians, women, men, etc.  Peace in the Middle East was accomplished. Our Military was rebuilt, and the soldiers loved our President.

How many people were put out of work due to the pandemic?  When those people go back to work, do you count them as new jobs, or people just going back to their old jobs?  Well, fooled you, MSM and the administration counts those as new jobs.  How many are really coming back, and instead being forced out of work to support their families or get an unproven vaccine and risk their life? Why do the unvaxxed feel this way? Were they told if you wore a mask you would be safe? Then were they told if you got the vaccine, who would be safe? Then were they told if you got the booster shots you would be safe? But the vaccinated can still get the virus and transmit it to others.  I would not risk taking an unproven vaccine. Would you? Let’s not forget all the adverse effect that the MSM is not reporting (do your research).

How about climate change? The lefts remedy for this is always to tax, tax, tax. Is taking your hard-earned dollars really going to fix a manufactured problem they claim is real?  China and India, they are not changing the way their Countries live.  Biden closed the Keystone pipeline to hurt those who drive non-electric cars.  Have you seen the cost of an electric car? I guess the rich can afford those. Do you know where the energy come from to charge an electric car? Most likely, from a coal supplied generation plant. That’s fossil fuel in case you were wondering. States have power Black outs now, especially during the summer months when demand for electricity is at is highest? I wonder what will happened if just one vehicle on every street in America plugs in an electric vehicle to charge. I will tell you; the entire electric grid will come down. Is their anything in the Bills of congress to upgrade our power grids to handle this increase in electric power demand? No, so why tax everyone to combat so called climate change when they know electric vehicles, and AOC’s desire to include airplanes, will never happen?  Is this just another experiment to fund whatever other experiment they so desire with our hard-earned dollars?

Dollars? Do you realize that our government just keeps printing money with nothing really to back it up? Does this devalue our dollar? Do you know we use to be on the gold standard, where every dollar was backed up by a physical asset, as in gold? Do you know we moved to a Fiat currency? What is a Fiat economy you ask? That is a currency, simply put, were every dollar is backed up by the “good faith” of the U.S.A.  Do you have that kind of faith? Really, do you have Faith in a government that has us in debt to the tune of $23 Trillion dollars and raising every day. Do you know that the COB says the current build back better plan of biden’s will cost over $5 trillion dollars and biden and Pelosi are tells us it will cost us nothing?   Do you care about your children and grandchildren and their children’s debt? This will never be paid off.  I guess that is why congress has never put a balanced Budget Bill forward.  

What are your thoughts of illegal immigration?   Our borders were secure in 2020.  People seeking citizenship had to stay in Mexico while they were being processed. What did this do  It forced the Mexican government to secure their borders. Wow, teamwork! Now millions are flooding into our country and what is biden doing?  He is transporting them in the dead of night to Red States. Now why would he do that?  Why are zero illegals being transported to Delaware (biden’s home state) and other blue states?  Would this cause more division in our country? 


Who has heard about the Convention of States?  It is part of the constitution, where if 38 states agree they can change laws. I keep receiving propaganda from them detailing their desire to make the government have a balanced budget and to adhere to Term Limits.  They give a progress reports and really never seems to be able to get to that magic 28 state required number to make a chance.   I used to believe in this cause, but in this current environment, if they can not get 28 states to make our country better, than I feel they are just in it to convince us to make donations.


These are just some thoughts that I dwell on most days, and if by reding this you think I am a Republican. I am not. I think Republicans and Democrats are two heads on the same snake, and that swamp need to be drained with new blood. But than again, new blood may get us more in congress like AOC (All Out Crazy).