Saturday, May 18, 2019

AOC Could Soon Be Back Tending Bars After What Her Constituents Told Pollsters
Trump’s Polls Just Hit Record High & Even Millennials Are Loving Him
Bombshell Report: Cops Linked Crack Pipe to Biden’s Son Days Before Election, Charges Swept Under the Rug
Pelosi Launches Pathetic Attack on ‘Condescending’ Immigration Plan
‘Mouthpiece for the Enemy’: Why Was Dianne Feinstein on the Phone with the Iranian Foreign Minister?
Watch Megastar Kelsey Grammer Quietly Teach PBS Hack Why Trump Is Good for America
House Democrats Pass Bill That Would Force Schools To Let Biological Males on Girls’ Sports Teams
Christian Student Forced To Write Islamic Profession of Faith by School Appeals to SCOTUS
The Deep State Dividing...
Jim Acosta OWNED After Lying About What Trump Said in Speech