Saturday, June 1, 2019

The Devil and Evil do Exist, if you were ever in doubt, you are Blind. God Help us! Even if anyone "hates" President Trump, but you are pro-Life, you have to vote for him in 2020 and vote every dimOcrate out of the House and Senate. We need to replace all Judges with Allegiance to Satan!!!.

Watch: Pregnant Rep. Sets Pro-Abortion Lawmakers Straight in Emotional Speech from Chamber Floor

Sea turtles, and their eggs and hatchlings, are protected in Florida by some very strict laws and regulations. They are also protected under the 1973 federal Endangered Species Act. No one can possess, disturb, mutilate, destroy, sell, transfer, molest, or harass marine turtles, nests or eggs. Protection is also afforded to marine turtle habitat. In other words, there are absolutely no exceptions to taking the life of an unborn sea turtle. ....unbelievable.

Rolling Thunder Leader Says Group Will Ride on D.C. If ‘Arrogant’ Pelosi Tries To Impeach Trump
I contacted NetFlix via chat...

Hi Michael,
Thank you for contacting Netflix customer support.
Here is the transcript from your recent chat.
Is netflix going to adhere to their threat of not filming in Georgia? If so I find this article very interesting. You do know many of your customer agree with Georgia, meaning you can't agree with all your customers, so why not keep your political "feelings" to your selves. And if you do not like what I just wrote and want to cancel my subscriptions, go ahead,seems that what you are all about. Shame on you <span class="highlight-red">[non-Netflix link blocked]</span>
Lyn Netflix
Thanks for contacting Netflix. I can't comment on that, but I'd be happy to help you with your personal account if you have any specifics you'd like to discuss.
I understand, this is your upper managements, not you, God Bless and Have a great day/weekend.
Lyn Netflix
Thank you for contacting Netflix. Have a good one.

They are not allowed to comment on this topic. Cowards!

Tucker Just Exposed Disney, Netflix Hypocrisy on Georgia Boycott. Look Where You Film!

Lib’s Home for Illegal Kids Is Filthy, Disgusting Compared to ICE Facilities Liberals Hate
A Pattern of Executive Overreach

NY Times Banning Reporters from Some CNN, MSNBC Shows Because They’re Too Partisan – Report
This is so precious, This is the democrats solution to everything, - people drink too much soda, raise taxes on it; people smoke, raise the tax, people use carbon based fuels, raise the tax -
President Trump is taking the dimOcrats lead, HaHA....

Hours After Trump Threatens Tariff, Mexico’s President Suddenly Wants To Play ‘Let’s Make a Deal’