This weekend the Executive Branch will be enforcing the Laws that congress put into law.
The Executive Branch. The President is responsible for implementing and enforcing the laws written by Congress.
Congress is the legislative branch of the federal government that represents the American people and makes the nation's laws. It shares power with the executive branch, led by the president.
Illegal immigrants that came here illegally, who have gone through the system, were given a court date to process their claim to be come a citizens, and decided they DID NOT Have to appear before the Judge, are now going to have to pay the piper.
However Senators and Representatives are claiming that our President is being a "racist" and is just creating fear in immigrants communities. Fear? I believe that is the point, they call it "fear", I call it sending the message to anyone else thinking of coming to our country and ignoring, as in Breaking our Laws, because they just do not want to adhere to any rules of Laws of the country they are invading. They just want to walk across our borders, skipping ahead of all other people going through the proper protocol to become citizens of the U.S.A.
If Congress does not like these laws, they have no one else to point to except themselves. Why? Because Congress created all the Laws of the U.S.A. If they do not like the existing Laws, they should do their assigned duties and change the Laws, and/or make new Laws. They pander to the masses treating us like idiots, thinking they are fooling us, by misdirecting the focus, and pointing the blame on the Executive branch. The Executive Branch is doing exactly what the constitution empowers them to do, and that is to enforce the Laws that were create by the very Congress who is complaining about Laws being enforced.
I wish we could sue Congress for not being true to their duties to the citizens of the U.S.A, but guess what, Congress has passed laws preventing citizens of the U.S.A from such a claim. They have no problem passing Laws to insulate them from wrong doings, as in they are all Above the Law, well except for the illegals they believe will vote for them. Than when their laws go off the cliff, they Blame everyone else.