Sunday, May 31, 2020

Racism, yesterday and Today

The Murder of George Floyd is 100% wrong, and Derek Chauvin will be brought to Justice. This murder will be repeated forever by the mainstream media, to keep the racist “seed” planted and to have it grow more hatred until this country is totally divided. If we stay on this course, this country will be divided.  When I first saw the video, I did not see Black and White, since I knew nothing of these two men, I saw an inhuman act. Since some “facts” have been made public, there is still doubt if this was a racist act. I have read they worked for the same nightclub, maybe there was bad blood between these two men, and this was a vengeful act, maybe it was racist. We do not know yet!  Calm down and let the investigation proceed. Stop listening to the mainstream media. They have an agenda to destroy this country, and they are good at it.
Why do I say this?  Here is just one example…
I bet you all remember Rodney King. Come on, you all do, admit it.
Here is another name, Reginald Denny. Remember Him?
How about the LA 4, remember them?
Remember the LA riots?

If you do not, that is a shame, you see Mr. Denney was a truck driver, and after the police were found not guilty for beating M. King (not saying this was a correct verdict or not), four black men, pulled Mr. Denny out of his truck and beat him to a near death.  Was that a Hate crime, and racist?  It was justified thou, right?  One injustice warrant another, right? This is the same mindset that is being played out today and the mainstream media is totally invested in keeping the hatred going. They are still just reporting on the evil acts and none of the good, where people are coming together today, to clean up the neighborhood that evil hatred destroyed.  You know, burning down buildings and destroying Mom and Pop businesses in the name of Justice, I the way to go, right? What are these acts going to accomplish? Eradicate Racist? That is not a rhetorical question. Stop and think, you are capable of that, right? I mean, think on your own, and not just repeating what you hear on the mainstream media.
Do you know when Mr. King and Mr. Denny were beaten?
1992, and since than nothing has changed, so I guess that pretty much proves that this rioting does not eradicate racist, since racism still exist like it did in the past. Right?  Repeating the same action, over and over and expecting different results, is the definition of what? 
Think about that, or look it up, whatever is the easiest for you, you will do!

My Friend has this Alexa monitor, where you can say “Hey Alexa” and ask it a question.

Just for grins, I said “Hey Alexa”, when was the Republican Party created, and why was it created?

All Alexa told me was that the Republican Party was created in 1854, but Alexa, would not tell me why the Republican Party was created, it would not answer the question no matter how I worded the question. Why would such a great gadget as Alexa, not tell the entire story? Does the owner of this Alexa, have an agenda?

Now, I usually do not use google, but I gave it a try, and I was shocked, google told me the date the Republican party was created and why.  In a nutshell, the Republicans party was created to stop the spread of slavery…  There is more to the story, maybe you can look it up, instead of just listening to the crap from the mainstream media. If you do not get a quick answer, try another source… Like I did… but then again, I am nearly 67 years old and when I went to school, I was thought how to think and do research to form my own opinions. Today, the low-information voters via their schooling and the mainstream media tell society exactly WHAT to think, and if people dare think differently than what they are told to think and believe, guess what, they are racist and made to feel they are different and they had better get out there to pander the crap to others to make themselves feel like they belong to the “collective” and to prove they have feelings and empathy.  They have feeling alright, feeling of their justification to beat up defenseless people, burn down homes and businesses that have nothing to do with the origin of what got them all riled up in the first place.  Does that make you think that maybe these rioters really have another agenda?  Again, that is not a rhetorical question. Think about it, are we being manipulated by the elite thinker that just want to obtain and keep power, or others that just want to destroy the greatest country in the world?
Whom ever they are, they seem to be succeeding.
What do you think? Really, what do you think, do not repeat what you have been told!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

It's called Treason

Biden, always wrong


Latinos for Trump

Voting for Trump!

Cut Off China

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I was told that Trump was a racist...