Saturday, June 13, 2020

How It’s Done: Asheville, NC Protesters Attempt an Autonomous Zone, Police Immediately Dismantle It

CHAZ has adopted segregation

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The FBI's role in the assassination of MLK.

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The next time someone calls you a conspiracy theorist ask them if they knew that the FBI killed MLK. He wasn’t the only way either.... You can find pages worth of investigation on the FBI vaults. A lot of people screaming defund the police but i want to see #questionthefeds trending cause honestly... y’all don’t know how much of the chaos were seeing right now is created by these very people. SIDE-NOTE: the corruption of federal agencies is EXACTLY what #obamagate is about. Make sure you’re paying attention Follow FOR Thought provoking Red πŸ’Š @redpillbabe @redpillbabe Follow Backup @redpillbabe2 @redpillbabe2 ================================================================ Your perspective is just that.. yours. This is mine. I convince NO one , i prove nothing. Just here to show you the way i came while on this path @redpillbabe take what you need no credit necessary! wwg1wga #truthtolight #pizzagateisreal #rachelchandler #epsteinisland #voterfraud #thesepeoplearesick #painiscoming #operationmockingbird #epsteindidntkillhimself #maga2020 #whatisQ #okpedo #obamagate #redpill #taketheredpill
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This is not another 4 year Election... WWG1WGA

The Declaration of Independence

Because no one is above the law.... Equal time...

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What would you want painted on a DC street?

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David Dorn

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Another riot video dump. Not even sure what’s going on here. Some dude vandalizing a car with ppl in it. ✔️Turn on post notifications! ______________________________ Follow my partners @centennial_conservatives @new_conservative_generation @rightwingersfortrump2020 @republican.protrump @JeffersonianRepublican @principledconservatism @the.counter.argument @libertarian.boogaloo @protect.the2nd @thepowersnotdelegated @dostoyevsky_2 __________________________ . . #republican #republicans #conservative #conservativememes #conservatives #republicanparty #right #rightwing #rightwingmemes #raisedright #maga #kag #american #america #americaπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ #trump #trump2020 #trumpmemes #trumpsupporters #makeamericagreatagain #keepamericagreat #usa #buildthewall #2a #2ndamendment #socialist #socialismsucks #feelthebern #notmeus #communism

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Friday, June 12, 2020

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Can’t make this up. Follow @impracticalpolitics

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So they want to remove all statues and Flags...

They even marked up a status of Matthias Baldwin. Why? Because you are all out of control and have to make yourself feel included. He was an abolitionist, ya know, like against slavery.  I bet most of you when walking by one of these statues in the past didn't even know why it was there. Yes, you can move them all to an museum, that still does not erase the scares of the past, and if you are so thin skinned that you have to riot and loot and destroy these statues to make yourselves feel better, maybe you should talk to a democrat and he/she/whatever can get you some free counseling to help you coop with life.   My background is Jewish, my relatives were killed in the Holocaust. How many of you still deny that happened? I doesn't make me melt to see a Nazi flag or hear the words of denial. I want to remember and be reminded, so it never happens again. But has it stopped? No, other nations still have slavery and Child sex trade, etc . You are a bunch of hypocrites. Is anyone replying to any of these post older than 20 or so, and if you have gone to school do you have a degree in anything but a liberal arts degree?  And if you are young did you allow free speech on campus, to hear other opinions, or have you all beat up anyone that disagrees with you?  And for the record, I am not a confederate flag lover, but I am no so fragile as to have a mental episode when I see one. How about this, since ya'll are upset about the civil war and the South, you know the south was run by the Democrats, they were all slave owners, are you going to stop voting for the party of slave owners and put them in a museum.  Or Pelosi calls for removal of Confederate statues while silent on her father dedicating one as mayor.   Did ya'all know the scarfs Pelosi and gang were wearing the other day for their photo opt, were from an African tribe that dealt in slave trade.  They conquered other tribes, sold the slaves for guns. Why are those types of scarfs not in a museum?
Ashanti Empire/Slavery
Get a life people, the Murder of Mr Floyd was horrible, but ya'll hijacked the message to give yourself a sense of belonging to something that you really do not know much more about  than what the left and the Main Stream Media tell you do know, and than you do....

Where is all the funds going from Black Lives Matter?

Nancy Pelosi is silent on own father who oversaw dedication of confederate statue

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who on Wednesday demanded the removal of Confederate statues occupying the U.S. Capitol, has remained silent on her father’s role in overseeing the dedication of the Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee Monument while serving as Baltimore’s mayor in 1948. Pelosi this week formally requested the removal of Confederate statues occupying the U.S. Capitol, dismissing them as “monuments to men who advocated cruelty and barbarism to achieve such a plainly racist end.” Her demand comes as angry protesters across the nation take matters into their own hands, vandalizing — and in some cases, beheading — statues and monuments memorializing the Civil War era and beyond. “As I have said before, the halls of Congress are the very heart of our democracy. The statues in the Capitol should embody our highest ideals as Americans, expressing who we are and who we aspire to be as a nation,” Pelosi said in her letter to Committee Chair Roy Blunt (R-MO) and Vice Chair Zoe Lofgren (D-CA). “Monuments to men who advocated cruelty and barbarism to achieve such a plainly racist end are a grotesque affront to these ideals,” she continued. “Their statues pay homage to hate, not heritage. They must be removed.” However, her father, Thomas D’Alesandro, Jr., oversaw the dedication of such a statue in Baltimore’s Wyman Park — the Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee Monument — as mayor of the city in 1948. At the time, the Speaker’s father said people could look to Jackson’s and Lee’s lives as inspiration and urged Americans to “emulate Jackson’s example and stand like a stone wall against aggression in any form that would seek to destroy the liberty of the world.” “World Wars I and II found the North and South fighting for a common cause, and the generalship and military science displayed by these two great men in the War between the States lived on and were applied in the military plans of our nation in Europe and the Pacific areas,” D’Alesandro said at the dedication ceremony, as detailed by the Baltimore Sun.

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