Sunday, June 21, 2020

Why he is voting for Donald J Trump

Bolton violated his NDA


German officials placed children with known pedophiles for 30 years

The United Nations is covering for a terrorist group

We, the people of the United States, were played by the Left and MSM

The dumb downing of our students

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I AM A SOVEREIGN NOT A SLAVE.. ๐Ÿธ REMEMBER... There are two types of slaves... Obedient slaves who tend to think there is nothing wrong with the world.... And there's non obedient slaves... Who think there something wrong but just whine about things.. THEN THERE'S (CONSPIRACY THEORISTS ).. WHO KNOW THE SYSTEM IS CORRUPT AND SHOUT FROM THE ROOF TOPS.. !!!! WHO'S CRAZY NOW? ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ’ข๐ŸŒŽ ...#trusttheplan #digitalknights #digitalsoldiers #qanonsworldwide #qarmyworldwide #unitednotdivided #wethepeople #gesara = #transitiontogreatness #followthewhiterabbit #josephgregoryhallett #thegreatawakening #futureprovespast #darktolight #welcometothenewage #WWG1WGA ๐ŸŒŽ #wearerhenewsnow

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