Wednesday, June 24, 2020

A Brother in Christ's Love

California votes to Sterilizing children

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Sterling as in sex change hormone therapy. The attack on children does not end when it comes to commiefornia politicians ... this should upset you. Posted @withregram • “😠so this just happened while we were all distracted πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ [Without hesitation or debate, the California Assembly voted overwhelmingly today to set up a fund using tax-payer dollars to give minors and adults cross-sex hormones and surgeries that will permanently destroy their reproductive systems. According to author Assemblyman Miguel Santiago (D) Los Angeles, AB 2218 establishes an “LGBT Transgender Wellness Fund,” to provide grants to nonprofits, hospitals, health care clinics (like Planned Parenthood), and other medical providers that supply puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones for minors, as well as cross-sex hormones and “sex-change” operations for adults. Originally the bill asked for $15 million to start the fund, but that amount was recently removed from the bill text. Now the exact amount added to the fund will be decided by the legislature at a later date. According to Dr. Quentin Van Meter, a board-certified pediatric endocrinologist who testified against AB 2218 in the Assembly Health Committee, studies show children who are treated with cross-sex hormones for their gender confusion have “significant mental health issues,” that remain even after hormone therapy. Van Meter warned legislators that the state would be sued in the coming years for funding transgender affirming treatments for troubled and vulnerable children because they destroy healthy body tissue, sterilize the recipient, and cause irreversible damage.]” .

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It was a coup

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Fasten your seatbelts boys and girls! #generalflynn has been VINDICATED and just as anons knew it would Pandora’s box has now been opened. Brace yourselves mentally and spiritually! Prayers up the silent war continues! RP: @qthewakeup Follow FOR Thought provoking Red πŸ’Š @redpillbabe @redpillbabe Follow Backup @redpillbabe2 @redpillbabe2 ================================================================ Your perspective is just that.. yours. This is mine. I convince NO one , i prove nothing. Just here to show you the way i came while on this path @redpillbabe take what you need no credit necessary! wwg1wga #truthtolight #pizzagateisreal #rachelchandler #epsteinisland #voterfraud #thesepeoplearesick #painiscoming #operationmockingbird #epsteindidntkillhimself #maga2020 #whatisQ #okpedo #obamagate #redpill #taketheredpill

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Domestic Terrorist!

What happens when you wear a Mask

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No Mask...

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Makes you think...