Wednesday, June 24, 2020

General Flynn was framed by obama and biden

Facebook Content Moderator: 'If Someone’s Wearing MAGA Hat, I'm Going to Delete Them for Terrorism'

They destroyed a statue of an immigrant that fought AGAINST slavery.

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Tuesday night, in Madison, Wisconsin, Marxist Black Lives Matter (BLM) rioters (I will not call them protesters) defaced and toppled a statue of Col. Hans Christian Heg, who was an immigrant from Norway who died fighting for the Union army against slavery. Was it just ignorance that got them to destroy a statue of a man who fought against slavery? Yes, but not because they’re stupid. The Marxists have declared war on the United States. They are in a cultural revolution. Even if the rest of us aren’t involved in it yet, they honestly believe they are. What Marxists do in a cultural revolution is go after the iconery first, because statues, monikers, signs, rename buildings and roads, etc. from our history reminds us all of our history, and the Marxists need to rebuild society from the ground up in their own fashion. They need to create a utopian heaven on earth. Never mind that can never exist. So, the Marxists are rebuilding society, and so far Democrat politicians have allowed them to do it in jurisdictions they lord over. If we allow it to continue they will win and civilization will lose. This is why they are destroying statues of people who fought against slavery, including statues of Abraham Lincoln who ended slavery in America. They’re attacking anything old as white racism from history. Full article at DJHJMEDIA.COM

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