Saturday, June 27, 2020

Bet you didn't know...

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My first political activism (age 17) was going door-to-door with a petition to stop nuclear power plants in Salem, Oregon. Decades later, I found out that nuclear power plants were promoted by only one family, the Rothschilds, eugenicists who purposely built nuclear power plants on earthquake fault lines. I'd never heard the name "Tesla" in school, or from any of my friends, many of whom were honor students in high school. It took years for me to find out about Tesla's Wardenclyffe Tower. And it was even later that I found out that, not only had the Rothschilds known about Tesla Tower free energy, they were the ones who hired Otto Skorzeny and Reinhard Gehlen to assassinate Tesla at the age of 86. Wikipedia says Tesla died peacefully in his sleep. Guess who owns Wikipedia? Years later, I found out that the Rothschilds had funded a Luciferian pedophile network worldwide. This is the network we are taking down today. When we succeed, we will also have free energy. Jock #Rothschild #RedShield #RothschildLuciferians #Luciferians #eugenicists #RothschildEugenicists #eugenics #Agenda2030

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History not learned in today's Schools

Pray this is NOT true...

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◼️Leftists are Pouring Massive Resources into Defeating President Trump◼️ An open borders lobbying group, funded partially by billionaire George Soros, is vowing to defeat President Trump by turning out to vote about six million young and disenfranchised Hispanic Americans. United We Dream activists said during a press call this week that they are “powering up” their members to turn out millions of new Hispanic American voters to tank Trump’s reelection campaign. The group has long advocated for an amnesty for all 11 to 22 million illegal aliens and, specifically, the nearly 800,000 illegal aliens enrolled in former President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. Soros’ Open Society Foundations has been a donor to United We Dream since at least 2015. “We know that in order to defend immigrants, protect DACA and defend our democracy, that Trump must be defeated this November,” United We Dream Executive Director Cristina Jiménez said, according to NBC News. Jiménez said United We Dream is targeting about 2.5 million mostly Hispanic Americans who are the family members of DACA illegal aliens. A whole swath of leftist organizations is involved in the get-out-the-vote effort, including the SEIU, the Sunrise Movement, the Soros-funded Center for Popular Democracy, the Youth Alliance, and LUCHA Arizona. United We Dream is also trying to get in on the current Black Lives Matter movement’s “Defund the police” campaign. The groups have long claimed that arresting and deporting illegal aliens “are rooted in white supremacy and systemic racism.”

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Reposted from @snowflake.tears

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🟥WAKE UP, Establishment GOP🟥 Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick (R) @ltgovtx sounded the alarm over vote-by-mail and the danger it poses to election integrity during a Friday appearance on SiriusXM’s @siriusxm Breitbart News Daily. Patrick drew a distinction between voting absentee, as has been done for years, and using coronavirus as an excuse to push voting through the mail as the preferred method to casting a ballot in person. “In my view, the only way Trump loses in November, is if you have a proliferation of voting by mail in state after state, particularly the swing states,” Patrick said in a clip played during the show, adding that Trump’s campaign team is “on top of it.” “We have to fight this at all costs,” Patrick told host @marlownews Alex Marlow, saying the vulnerability could give Democrats advantages in states like Wisconsin, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania. Patrick said he rejects the premise that voting by mail would be “safer” during the coronavirus pandemic and believes many Republicans fall into that rhetorical trap. “Voting is not about being easier, it is about being fair and accessible. To have enough polling places, to have enough time,” he said, and noted Texas has two weeks of early voting. “It’s part of who we are as America to show up and vote,” Patrick told Marlow. He said once voting in person is removed, “it is absolute pandemonium. It’s wide open for fraud, and the left will take advantage of that and they will steal every election until the end of time.”

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