Saturday, June 27, 2020

Proof Joe Scarborough and James Carville are taking some bad drugs...

Journalist Says Don’t Sweat the New Polls, ‘Democrats have gone stark raving baying-at-the-moon bats**t crazy’

AG Barr Does Hand-To-Hand Combat with NPR

Race Stats for Protesters Finally Come Out, Destroy Leftist Narrative

Princeton University Purging 'Racist President' Woodrow Wilson's Name from College

MLK's Niece Gives Valuable Advice to Statue-Destroying Protesters: 'Step Back'

COMMENTARY Share Tweet Email Print Professional Athletes Quit Over Team's Pro-Trump, Pro-Anthem Tweet and Call It 'Backhanded Racism'

Biden Cancer Group Spent Insane Amounts on Salaries, Little on Cancer

Federal Judge: Cuomo, de Blasio's COVID Mandates Violate Religious Groups' Constitutional Rights

Leftist Neighborhood That Vowed To Not Call the Police Now Facing 300-Person Homeless Camp