Saturday, June 27, 2020

House Passes Democrats' Police Reform Bill That Seeks Radical Change

It's hard to deny the facts

QAnon: “Guardian Pushes a Hit Piece on Qanon/Facebook a Day After Q’s Epic Digital Battleground Drop” — June 18th to 25th 2020 (4496 to 4528)

New Field Hospital in NYC, cost $21 million, closed, never saw ONE patient

The United States is a Corporation

By Anna Von Reitz
The Act of 1871 -- A Correct Analysis by Team Law By Anna Von Reitz With all the hub-bub about The Act of 1871 circulating in the patriot community, I felt it was time to re-publish (for about the tenth time) the actual breakdown of what happened to The Act of 1871 after its initial repeal in 1874 ----- and to publish again the correct analysis of it all by Team Law, which was finished some years ago: 1871 - Act of 1871 ---“An Act to provide a Government for the District of Columbia,” ch. 62, 16 Stat. 419, February 21, 1871 ---which was repealed in 1874 and then passed piecemeal via these actions---- “An Act Providing a Permanent Form of Government for the District of Columbia,” ch. 180, sec. 1, 20 Stat. 102, June 11, 1878, to remain and continue as a municipal corporation (brought forward from the Act of 1871, as provided in the Act of March 2, 1877, amended and approved March 9, 1878, Revised Statutes of the United States Relating to the District of Columbia . . . 1873–’74 (in force as of December 1, 1873), sec. 2, p. 2); as amended by the Act of June 28, 1935, 49 Stat. 430, ch. 332, sec. 1 (Title 1, Section 102, District of Columbia Code (1940)). When looking at the intent of all this, given that the actual District of Columbia was set up in 1790 and fully chartered by 1801, the aim of the Act of 1871 is, it appears, merely to set up “U.S. Corp”--- “That all that part of the territory of the United States included within the limits of the District of Columbia be, and the same is hereby, created into a government by the name of the “District of Columbia”, by which name it is hereby constituted a body corporate for municipal purposes … and exercise all other powers of a municipal corporation.” – Act of 1871 verbiage--- So the Act of 1871 was to create a private corporation owned by the actual government of the District of Columbia--- the infamous District of Columbia Municipal Corporation: “Further, the only government created in that Act was the same form of private government any private corporation has within the operation of its own corporate construct....... U.S. Corp is not merely an incorporated municipality (District of Columbia); rather, it is a private corporation (District of Columbia Municipal Corporation) that was lawfully created by our original jurisdiction government.” ---- Team Law analysis. ---------------------------- See this article and over 1800 others on Anna's website here: To support this work look for the PayPal button on this website.

What the President can and can not do

The Other Side... Civil Act of 1871

How an 1871 civil rights law morphed into a police protection act

Can I have a collective Ahhhh for Nike?

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I LOVE WAKING UP TO GOOD PRESS! 'Woke' Sports giant Nike reported a surprise loss Thursday as shutdowns due to COVID-19 prompted a big drop in revenues in spite of higher online sales. Nike reported a loss of $790 million in the quarter ending May 31, which translated to a loss of 51 cents per share compared with analyst expectations for nine cents per share in profit. Revenues tumbled 38 percent to $6.3 billion following huge declines in sales in most of the world. In North America, the company’s biggest operating region, revenues plunged 46 percent to $2.2 billion. A bright spot was online sales, with digital sales increasing 75 percent during the quarter. The results are among the first by a major company to detail the hit from the coronavirus during the period of peak shutdowns. Nike is on a different fiscal calendar than most other large companies, with its fourth quarter ending May 31. The second-quarter earnings period, which covers the quarter ending June 30, will begin in mid-July. Shares of Nike fell 3.7 percent ot $97.61.

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The left's priorities are not about you

Stop the online conspiracy theorists before they break democracy