Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Xin Wang arrested.

BLM Leader Exposed: Called Whites 'Sub-Human,' Genetically Defective; Said Blacks Are Superhumans

Rep Vernon Jones: Do black lives matter to Black Lives Matter?

Judicial Watch - Illegal Immigrant Child Rapist Released from Jail by Maryland Sanctuary County Remains at Large -

Disturbing Video Shows NYC Man Killed While Walking with Young Daughter

Ilhan Omar Calls for 'Dismantling' the Core of the United States

Football Legend: Black Lives Matter 'Don't Speak for Me'

'It Makes People Cry': Watch NYC Official's Insane Rant After White Colleague Holds Black Baby on Lap

Report: Prison Officials Going All-Out To Make Sure Ghislaine Maxwell Doesn't End Up Like Epstein

Mt. Rushmore Protest Leader Hit with Plethora of Charges After Blocking Highway