Thursday, July 9, 2020

Can the Truth be heard above the lies?

How President @realDonaldTrump's newest executive order benefits the Hispanic community:

President Trump expands Hispanic Prosperity Initiative

President Trump just signed an executive order expanding the White House Hispanic Prosperity Initiative, which will help every member of our country’s proud Hispanic community prosper and achieve the American Dream.

The order will encourage pro-growth, pro-family, and pro-community policies such as school choice, personalized learning, family engagement, civic education, and more.

“Hispanic Americans are not only living the American Dream, but their incredible efforts are unlocking the American Dream for citizens all across our land,” President Trump says.

Hispanic-American workers and families have thrived under President Trump’s agenda. Before the Coronavirus pandemic, the Hispanic unemployment rate reached a record low of 3.9 percent, and it remained under 5 percent for 23 consecutive months.

In 2018, the poverty rate for Hispanic Americans reached its lowest level on record, and since 2016, nearly 611,000 Hispanic Americans have been lifted out of poverty.

As the Coronavirus spread from China across the globe, President Trump worked tirelessly to ensure that all Americans could get back to work as quickly as possible. As a result, Hispanic employment increased by a sum of more than 2.1 million in May and June. This Administration won’t stop until every American is back on the job.

And with today’s actions, America will continue to be a land of opportunity for our incredible Hispanic community, as well as for every other American family.
School choice is a big part of that vision. Nearly one-third of all students in U.S. public charter schools are Hispanic. President Trump is expanding educational opportunities for these students and others, both with today’s executive order as well as through restoring local control and ending federal overreach in education more broadly.

Community development is another crucial component. Under President Trump, new jobs and investments have poured into nearly 9,000 designated “Opportunity Zones,” which together are home to more than 9 million Hispanic Americans.


She sure does not practice what she preaches...

Life Time award for hiring minorities, now is told he is a racist. hey are hypocrites

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