Sunday, July 12, 2020

It's possible...But I doubt it...

More deception

Just a little perspective

Papa kills babies - Secret UK Pedophile ring is being exposed, Posted on YouTube in 2015, but it has not been removed

Punks, it about time we finished this nonsennse

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Three Men Break Into a Gun Collector’s Home, None of Them Leave Without Leaks, Only One Leaves the Good Way

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Jonathan Turley Injects Sanity Into Discussion on Roger Stone Commutation After Romney, Media Pearl-Clutching

Link Here 

Brace Yourself: In 2018 the Flu Put More of a Strain on U.S. Hospitals Than COVID-19 Has (Fauci Still at Large)

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The Battle for the Portland Federal Courthouse Continues, But It Doesn’t End Well for Antifa

Link Here 

The Left will throw anything against the wall, nothing sticks

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