Monday, July 13, 2020

I believe AOC needs to Shut Up and stop proving how naive she really is

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Jeffrey Toobin’s Turn To Get His Ears Boxed For Dishonesty About The Roger Stone Commutation.

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Anti-Capitalism Black Lives Matter Sees Its Small Businesses Shut Down by a Government Regulatory Agency

Capitalism: A system based on a free-market economy in which an individual may own his or her own business.
Socialism: An economic system in which the government — not individuals — owns all products and means of production.

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Sunday, July 12, 2020

Chinese Virologist Fled Country After COVID Cover-Up, Now She's Telling the World What She Saw

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Academics Try To Get Own Study Canned After It Finds Inconvenient Truth About Race & Police Shootings

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Ford CEO Counters Employees' Claim That Company 'Perpetuated' Systemic Racism, Responds to Anti-Cop Demand

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No, I did not make this up...

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The Truth, and nothing but the truth

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How did it happen?

We are the NEWS! WWG1WGA