Thursday, July 16, 2020

Health Officials Report No COVID Cases Traced Back to Trump's Mt. Rushmore Event

Ghislaine Maxwell Married in Secret, Refuses To Identify Spouse: Prosecutors

Silence On Child Murders Demonstrates BLM’s Hypocrisy And Will Be Its Undoing

George Washington University Offers Students a Book on Racism Insisting It’s the Same as Conservatism

North Carolina Town Makes the Move: City Council Votes to Award Black Residents ‘Community Reparations’

NYPD Chief Who Knelt With Protesters Ends Up Violently Assaulted By the Mob

The Drafting of the Indictment Against Roger Stone Shows The Duplicity Of Mueller’s Special Counsel Prosecutors

She’s BACK! Hillary’s RIDICULOUS Voter Suppression Theories; Says Trump May Not Leave

A Plan To Hand Out Vaccines Based On Race

Berkeley City Council: Unarmed Civilians To Make Traffic Stops