Thursday, July 16, 2020

Results of President TRUMP slashing regulations

realdonaldtrump Before I came into office, American workers were smothered by a merciless avalanche of wasteful, expensive and intrusive federal regulation. These oppressive, burdensome mandates were a stealth tax on our people – slashing take-home pay, suppressing innovation, surging the cost of goods, and shipping millions of American jobs overseas. Nearly four years ago, we ENDED this regulatory assault on the American Worker – and we launched the most dramatic regulatory relief campaign in American History. At the heart of this effort was a revolutionary promise: for every 1 new regulation issued, we pledged that TWO federal regulations would be permanently REMOVED. We not only met this ambitious goal – we vastly exceeded it. For every 1 new regulation added, nearly EIGHT federal regulations have been terminated. As you can see behind me, we have removed the gigantic regulatory burden Americans have been forced to carry for decades – freeing our citizens to reach their highest potential. Our historic regulatory relief is providing the average American household an extra $3,100 dollars every year!

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