Monday, July 27, 2020

Former Sanders campaign co-chair Nina Turner compares voting for Biden to eating 'bowl of sh--'

Barr to come out swinging on violent crime, Russia probe in first House Judiciary Committee appearance

Seattle Residents Now in Danger of Being Burned Out of Their Homes by the Mob

President @realDonaldTrump is taking historic action to reduce the price of prescription drugs for Americans

Gavin Newsom’s $3.7 Million Estate Was Gifted to Him in 2019; 3 Months Later He Got a $2.7 Million Tax Free Cash-Out

AP Reporter Describes Being Inside Portland’s Besieged Courthouse With US Marshals While 4,000 Rioters Attack

Head of CDC Admits Lockdown Killing Way More Americans Than COVID! Urges Masks. When Will These People Be Held Accountable for the Carnage They’ve Caused?

Democrats Rush to Change the Narrative as the Rioting They Encouraged Backfires

Nadler Seems To Think Antifa Violence in Portland Is Fake News

Cuomo's COVID Power Grab Goes Off the Rails as He Declares Chicken Wings Aren't a Meal