Thursday, August 13, 2020

Chicago’s Hall Of Shame

“One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic.”  —  Joseph Stalin

What If November Brings A Trump Landslide?

Trump Announces Historic Israel Peace Deal

Looting Now A Form Of Reparations?

From His Mouth to Yours: Joe Biden Says America Needs a Federal Mask Law, Now

New: DOJ Finds Yale Discriminates Against Whites and Asians, Gives Ultimatum

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris May Have Just Unveiled Their Campaign Strategy

The Democrats Have Completely Lost Their Minds With The Latest Trump Hoax They’re Pushing

Seattle BLM Injure a Cop, Harass Residents in Their Homes: Give Us Your Money and Your Home

Rose McGowan Blasts Kamala Harris: ‘How Many Predators Bankroll You?’