Friday, November 26, 2021

WHO Says It’s Time to Discuss Mandatory COVID Vaccinations

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Vaccines during a pandemic CAUSE variants.

 The real virus are the sociopathic fear mongers that are waging psychological war on your soul.

STOP LISTENING to the whore media, governments, and academic fraudsters. This variant may or may not be a problem. But, THE ZELENKO PROTOCOL which inhibits RNA dependent RNA polymerase stops ALL strains. Vladimir Zev Zelenko MD

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny With Mike Adams Share The Latest Update On C-19 Shots And The Fate Of Humanity!

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Covid-19 is a man-made weapon of mass destruction.

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SHOCKING REPORT: Official Government Data Suggest That The Fully Vaxxed Will Developt AIDS By The End Of This Year!


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Researchers Warn Some Covid-19 Vaccines Could Increase Risk Of HIV Infection

 'The vaccine made use of a modified virus — called adenovirus 5 (Ad5) — as a vector to transport some of HIV’s genetic material into the body.'

'Exactly how the vaccine increased the risks of HIV transmission is unknown, but a conference convened by the National Institutes of Health recommended against further use of Ad5 as a vector in HIV vaccines (Dr. Anthony Fauci was lead author of the paper ( outlining this position.)  

Ad5 is used as a vector in some Covid-19 vaccines —  Science identifies ( four such candidates that are currently undergoing clinical trials in various countries around the world, including the U.S., with two in large scale phase 3 trials ongoing in Russia and Pakistan.'

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COVID19 Vaccines Are Actually Transmitting AIDS Among Human Population!

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A miracle has occurred in Japan.

Twelve days after Ivermectin was given the green light as a treatment for Covid19, cases plummeted. 

Can't be explained! 

Dr. John Cambell has a go though:

The #FDA wants until 2076 to fully declassify the data behind the #Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine approval.

Why do they need 55 years? What are they trying to hide? Even though the FDA has not declassified the information, we can get some clues from the problems during the #VaccineTrials

Because of the sensitive nature of this topic, we have posted it on our membership site.

🔥You can watch it here👉Click Here for link to Article

Dr. Scott Jensen MD explains the lies the medical industry has told us regarding mandates.