Sunday, November 28, 2021

Omicron variant causes "mild disease," the chairwoman of the South African Medical Association says

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The Times of India (

New Covid Variant Omicron: South African medical association says Omicron variant causes 'mild disease' | World News - Times of India

Rest of World News: JOHANNESBURG: The new Omicron variant of the coronavirus results in mild disease, without prominent syndromes, 

Saturday, November 27, 2021

DeSantis singlehandedly caused Disney World to back down from their vaccine mandate. 🔥


Naturally Immune People at Little Risk of Reinfection, Severe Disease From COVID-19: Study

READ: Click Here to Link To Article

Great segment on the side effects of the Vaccine and booster shots and what young people are likely to encounter after taking them.


It's ALMOST like there's a lesson to be learned here.

Click Here to Link to Article

Breitbart (

States with Mask Mandates Reporting Higher Coronavirus Numbers than Maskless Florida

States with mask mandates in place are reporting higher coronavirus cases per capita than Florida, a target of the establishment media.

David Nabarro, WHO Special Adviser on Covid-19, said that mandatory vaccines should be considered "as a last resort", which should be resorted to only in the face of a wave of absolute refusals to vaccinate.

 World Awakening, [11/24/2021 6:50 PM]

Friday, November 26, 2021

Even though the Pentagon is requiring all U.S. military personnel to get vaccinated, the #Oklahoma governor is pushing back.

Meanwhile, a new bill that was just introduced into the Oklahoma state Senate would allow all workers in the state to file #lawsuits against their employers.

🔥Watch here👉

National Guard Rebels Against Pentagon, Rejects Mandate After Sudden Change of Command in Oklahoma

The commander of the Oklahoma National Guard has just released a memo which says that they will not comply with the US federal government’s mandates.

🧶 WATCH: True effects of natural immunity, lockdowns, boosters 👉Click Here For Link To Article


🔥 Epoch TV:

Kansas Governor Signs Bill Allowing Broad Exemptions to COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates

READ: Click Here For Link To Article

Health authorities in #China are welding people’s doors shut and locking people inside with steel chains, all because of Beijing’s #COVID19 policy.

🔵Watch in-depth videos based on Truth & Tradition at @EpochTV 👉 Click Here For Link To Articla

Unionized Workers Won’t Have to Get COVID-19 Vaccine, Automakers Decide

READ: Click Here For Link To Article