Sunday, November 28, 2021

NH Public Health Policy Has Officially Killed More “Kids” than COVID

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A man, seriously ill in hospital with covid on a ventilator with only a 10-15 percent chance of survival was REFUSED IVERMECTIN!!!

The patients daughter took the hospital to court to force them to administer IVERMECTIN.

The judge ordered the hospital to ‘move aside’ and let an UNVACCINATED doctor administer IVERMECTIN to the patient.

By all accounts he is now FULLY RECOVERED!!!

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November 24, 2021: South Africa tells Pfizer they don't want more shipments of the vaccine

.November 26, 2021:

WHO says that the Omicron variant was discovered in South Africa on November 24, 2021.

November 26, 2021 onwards:

Many countries rush to ban flights and immigration from South Africa.

Did Pfizer collaborate with the WHO to punish South Africa for refusing more shipments of the vaccine?


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MASS PROTESTS against Swiss health pass in Zurich

    Crowds of protesters descended with torchlights and national flags in the municipality of Pfäffikon on Tuesday night.  The marches oppose the introduction of the country's Covid health pass, which will be decided on by referendum this Sunday.

Australian MP George Christensen smashing covid truth bombs, completely triggering sheep MP's


🌐🇲🇽 The World Hoax Organization is not happy with Mexico letting travelers fly freely without PCR tests or proof of vaccination. The WHO wants to "close any gaps" in the travel system and not let people travel freely.


Omicron variant causes "mild disease," the chairwoman of the South African Medical Association says

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The Times of India (

New Covid Variant Omicron: South African medical association says Omicron variant causes 'mild disease' | World News - Times of India

Rest of World News: JOHANNESBURG: The new Omicron variant of the coronavirus results in mild disease, without prominent syndromes,