Sunday, November 28, 2021

Naturally Immune People at Little Risk of Reinfection, Severe Disease From COVID-19: Study

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Dr Vladimir Zelenko: Dropping Truth Bombs & Red Pills For The Masses

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'Severe Reactions' to Covid Vaccines are Far More Common Than Official Data Show: Here is the Stunning New Evidence

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The "serious" vaccine reactions dwarf the VAERS reports by 14 times over. A whopping 63% of Americans who take the vaccines have some kind of adverse event...

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There's data, scientists, doctors and experts who back this up

Former Pfizer Employee & Biotech Analyst Karen Kingston Says Pfizer Jab Recipients More Likely to Contract COVID

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Merck & Co’s COVID-19 Oral Tablet Shows Lower Efficacy in Updated Data

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This is the most carefully planned, diabolical scheme for depopulation and global genocide you could ever imagine!

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For the past year, we have been enduring propaganda pushing every living being toward these injections.

🚨 NOW, experts are revealing the REAL DAMAGE the bioweapon is causing!

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Dr. David Martin releases packet exposing the criminal Covid conspiracy, Dr. Jane Ruby makes a call to action to send these packets to local attorney generals and demand accountability.

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Czech Republic President Milos Zeman, currently "being treated for covid" has been put into a GLASS BOX to appoint the country's new Prime Minister. The world is a clown show🤡