Monday, November 29, 2021

UK moving towards booster shots every three months. Do not comply!

Judge Blocks Biden Administration’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Health Care Workers

Click Here for Link to Article 1 

Click Here for Link to Article 2


Disgusting: Fauci's Reaction When Asked Whether He Should Face Justice for Funding Wuhan Lab - Video

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Australian army begins relocating covid-“positive” cases to quarantine (concentration) camps

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There are no variants, they clam that for all the adverse reactions to the so called vaccine. IE: By “variant”, what they actually mean is “how we are trying to cover for vaccine injuries”.


The Left said we did not have to take the vaccine. Remember? Pass this on...

We all need to remember this and pass it on. the left Said we do not have to take the vaccine. of course they Said this when President Trump was in office.  so them changing their message proves everything they say is just political and what needs to be Said at any moment to forward their narrative. 

Click Here to Link to Article and Video 

Goldman Sachs Slams Omicron Panic: ‘Mutation Is Unlikely to Be More Malicious’

Click Here for Link to Article

South African doctor who discovered "Omicron variant" says there's nothing to worry about, only has very mild symptoms.


The vaccine is causing heart problems and blood clotting in many people. The Omicron variant is supposed to cause heart problems and blood clotting. Sounds pretty shady to me.

 Click Here for Link to Article