Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Gil Gutknecht: Wag The Tail
This is not an opinion, this is pure Evil!

Amy Klobuchar supports allowing babies to be killed up until the moment they are born.
The Democrats have been ignoring our Constitution, thus our Rights!

Alyssa Ahlgren: Your Rights Are Your Privilege

Counterpoint: Convention Of The State Is A Bad Idea

The baby’s heartbeat is so much faster than mine! It has its own heartbeat, separate from me! So it’s not my body, it’s his! I would be getting rid of him!”

I’ve Had 2 Abortions. Here’s Why I Support Alabama’s Pro-Life Law.
Looks who is calling the Kettle....

Why is this not in the Main Stream Media?

Justin Amash’s Business Interests in China Underscore His Push to Impeach Trump