Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Florida proves that lockdowns don't work.


Judge Blocks Biden’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate for Federal Contractors

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A new statement by Dr. Peter McCullough.

Doctor of Medical Sciences, consultant cardiologist confirms that "now there are studies that show that the nanoparticles of the vaccine get directly into the heart. The heart expresses spike protein in its cells, and the immune system attacks the heart."

Thus, fatal myocarditis occurs from an experimental drug.

France is considering the possibility of Guadeloupe's autonomy, as the island is gripped by unrest in protests against covid-tyranny.

French Overseas Territories Minister Sebastien Lecorny has acknowledged that Paris is considering calls by some elected Guadeloupe officials for independence.

"In their opinion, Guadeloupe could manage itself better," Lecornyu said in a video message to the island's residents late Friday. "The government is ready to discuss this issue."

This statement was made after a week of violent riots and looting in response to the fact that the French authorities imposed a mandate to vaccinate medical workers, as a result of which French elite troops were sent to the island to fight the riots that followed.

California Town Declares Independence From 'Dictatorship Powers' of State, Federal COVID Mandates

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Dr. Jessica Rose talks about the study that revealed a huge surge in Myocarditis cases in children who had taken the vaccine.


COVID-19 Infections Among Vaccinated More Common and Severe in Immunocompromised: Study

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Defense Secretary Rejects Oklahoma’s Request for Exemption From COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate

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San Diego Mandates All Employees Must Be Vaccinated for COVID or Face Firing

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Democrats Eagerly Await the Omicron Variant • They need a pretext to pass the Freedom to Vote Act, complete with nationwide mail-in voting.

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