Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Can you believe this?

‘Stunning’ new poll has POTUS Trump behind ALL Democrats? If you believe that, you thought Hillary was going to win

We all have heard the old cliche, about the definition of insanity, you know doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. Most think it was Albert Einstein, actually it is not attributed to anyone. But the idea does make a point!

Why do the Democrats keep publishing such pools?  Did they not learn from the 2016 Elections, saying Hillary had the Presidency in the bag, even on Election Night?

Today they are doing it again.

To Which I say Thank you.  These are nothing more than, suppression polls, hoping to convince the Republican voters that the election is in the bag for the Democratic Candidate, so there is no need to even go out to vote if your candidate is going to lose.

Can I suggest, that the reverse is also true. When Democrats hear that their candidate is going to win, maybe they stay at home thinking, my candidate is going to win, so my vote will not make a difference.

Voter turnout at 20-year low in 2016.

Are President Trump's voters fooled by these tactics? I do not think so. The 2020 Election will go to President Trump easily. He will not only retake the Electoral College votes, but the popular vote this time also.

I even heard that President Trump will campaign in California. Wow, remember..
When The Blue Wall Crumbles  all because Hillary thought these states were owned by her and she never campaigned there as she should have.

But will it even Help the Democrats if they campaigned in California?  They will have to admit that this state, run my the Democrats has failed. California has the Highest taxes in the US, the highest rate of Homelessness and the highest populations of illegal  immigrants, they tax their citizens and give the money away in a Socialist fashion. What can a democratic candidate say to these voters? Mmmm, if Joe Biden runs he will fix it all, as he said  "Elect me and I will cure Cancer"... If he can do that, I guess anything is possible  This is one state the democrats should stay away from.

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