Thursday, June 20, 2019

More Fake news, as in an outright Lie!

For whatever reason, this so called Journalist, Lied", it is just more fake news in hopes of leading people astray.  More Fake News!... How is she still a Journalist, how can she have gotten something so obvious, wrong?  We know the answer...

Who has ever heard of Kasie Hunt?  No one. Now she is famous, the the Left Loves her

MSNBC host Kasie Hunt falsely claims Joe Biden's segregationist colleagues were Republicans

In Joe Biden's defends,  I do not believe he was saying he sides with segregation advocates, but rather that we would work with the worse of the worse to get get the job done. However it seems these Democratic Presidential candidates would eat their own children to get ahead in the polls. Is this the type of people we want to be running for president of the U.S.A.?

Herman Talmadge

James Eastland

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