Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The Mueller report failed to bring down President Trump, The democrats wasted two plus years and millions of tax payer's money. In that time, what legislation have they passed to help, us, the American People?

The Public believes that when a President is impeached, he is automatically taken out of office. Low information voters, pandered by the left, have it all wrong.
Impeachment is a charge of HIGH CRIMES and MISDEMEANORS.
The trial is held in the Senate, where a two third majority have to vote to find a President Guilty.
So people, how many Senators are there, and how many are Republicans? What are your chances of your coup being a successful Coup via impeachment?

Mitch McConnell Makes It Clear That Impeachment Is Toast In The Senate

House votes to hold Barr, McGahn in 'contempt,' with another vote expected soon

The Mueller report, annotated

The Military Coup Against Donald Trump of 2018, Part 1

The Military Coup Against Donald Trump of 2018, Part 2

Andrew McCarthy: Was Brennan's 'intelligence bombshell' the Steele dossier? Signs point to yes

Mueller appears to have edited voicemail transcript between John Dowd and Flynn lawyer

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