Sunday, July 21, 2019

Enough with the Gay Pride

I'm all for being  inclusive, but enough is enough, I am so tried of the LGBTQ political arms forcing their beliefs down our throats, especially when others have Religious beliefs against such a life style.  I can "hate the sin, and love the sinner", when will the LGBTQ community learn to once in a while see the other side?  Why does the LGTBQ community need a month set aside for others to recognize them? I think this month divides people further apart, if you desire to be inclusive stop telling us you are different by reminding us of that fact during Pride Month.

I am a Christian, with Jewish roots, white, straight male. Per the Main Stream Media, I am the most despised person on the planet.  And I still know God loves us all

Yes this story shows a lapse in Judgement, but at least it was mad right.

Pennsylvania Mayor Refuses To Raise Pride Flag Over Its Ties to ‘Political Movement’

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