Sunday, September 29, 2019

Democratic platform for 2020

Kill Babies, even after they are born. I had to include that because a Baby is a baby as soon as it is conceived 
Impeach every matter what
Open Borders - Democrats want Open Borders, which equates to violent crime, drugs and human trafficking.  Complain about a few million dollars  not going to Ukraine in a timely manner, but will not spend a ¢ to secure our Borders. Trump is only enforcing the Laws the House created! If they do not like the laws, change them. Who saaid "The Best way to have a law changed, is to Enforce it?" Do something besides Impeach, Impeach, Impeach!
Defund Military
Take Away Guns
Weaken Economy
Free Everything
Medicare for all...including ILLEGALS and other non-citizens, while out Vets wait up to 1- years for Medical aid,
Defend Illegal Aliens
Suppress Free Speech
Reparations for Slavery
Remove Electoral College
Who in their right mind would support this garbage?

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