Friday, September 27, 2019

Have you ever noticed how the left directs the focus away from their crimes, by falsely accussing someone else of the exact same crime?

"This is so absurd, why is this being allowed to continue. This has been the biggest show of SERIOUS TREASON from the Senior Politicians in Congress and the Senate ever. And is an embarrassment for all of us AMERICANS.

Our President elect., President Donald J. Trump, has an outstanding record of accomplishments, has kept more of his campaign promises than any other President to my knowledge. He has done more right things for America moving us forward as a country, He has struggled to do everything possible to bring all Americans back together and making America great again. And has had to fight with the Democrats every step of the way, all without complaining and griping

And President Trumnp cares more about us it seems than anyone of the Democrats. And most importantly he is our President Elected, and nobody is asking us the people who elected him, What we want done. I beliueve the Polls indicated the "people" do not want Impeachment!

So why has this not brung even one person up on the serious charge of out right Treason against our President, and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! and our way of life?
I will tell you why it hasn't, IT IS BECAUSE THE DEMOCRATIC party by acting this way ever since our President took office in 2016 have DIVIDED our COUNTRY, we are no longer UNITED.

Something needs to be done. And not to president Trump, But to the Pot stirrers Pelosi and Schumer, the Speaker of the House and Senate. They need to be held to the Highest Standards and actually Represent US the People and not themselves..."

Media Lies: Why Are They Covering for Hunter Biden?

Polling Shows if Dems Impeach Trump, They Could Face Massive Election Day Backlash

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