Friday, September 27, 2019

It Took 40 years, but now they have to be stopped

The Democrats have had 40+ year to build a corrupt government, some of them are steal there. 40 years no check or balances so you can just see how that could come about. Republicans should have been the check and Balance put the people didn’t give them chance, they voted for "Free Stuff". Just look at the states that have been run by demacrates for 40 years what a mess. Those citizens have been rip off for all them years, they have zero improvements in their standard of Living. Now the hole country is being destroyed by radicals that hate this country. Your freedom is flying out the window. The people who are in congress are not for the people, they lied abiout everything just to get your vote and gain more power. The Left has their own agenda not that of the people. They betrayed our Country. The Left are radicals that hate this country!

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