Friday, September 27, 2019

Russian Collusion didn't work, so the coup continues...

Transcript of Phone Call Between President Trump and President of Ukraine (Volodymyr Zelensky)

Guess What, President Trump followed the Letter of the Law when talking to the President of Ukraine...  There is Treaty Between the U.S.A and Ukraine...
My goodness. It was passed when Joe Biden was a member of the U.S. Senate and then signed by then-President Bill Clinton. A comprehensive treaty agreement that allows cooperation between both the United States and Ukraine in the investigation and prosecution of crimes. It appears President Trump was following the law to the letter when it comes to unearthing the long-standing corruption that has swirled in Ukraine and allegedly involves powerful Democrats like Joe Biden and others.

I don't know, well I do, the President can talk to any foreign country he/she so desires and if he/she believes a crime as been committed, he can ask for help, especially if the crime started in such and such a country. That is the right fs the President. Bin and his ego, talked on the record and on tape that he had the attorney in Ukraine FIRED,  and if the Attorney was not fired, Biden said Ukraine would not get,  I  Believe $1 billion in aid from the United States. Is the Quid Pro Quo? No, not if you are a democrat!

Does this sound familiar: Salem witch trials
DOH! Did You Know There’s a Treaty Between the USA & Ukraine Regarding Cooperation For Prosecuting Crimes?

Watch Joe Biden Brag About Bribing Ukraine To Fire The Prosecutor Investigating His Son’s Company

CrowdStrike part in 2016 election scandal and Why President Trump want to investigate.

What Is CrowdStrike? Firm Hired By DNC Has Ties To Hillary Clinton, A Ukrainian Billionaire, And Google

It was not long ago the Democrats wanted to know all there was to know about the 2016 Elections.  Now the Democrats want to stop any investigation that will make public their true intent to overthrow a Duly Elected President of the U.S.A just because he is NOT one of them... (Add whatever reason you so desire)

Here is Adam Schiff totally ignoring what is actually in the Phone Call Transcript, lying to fit his agenda that he has the goods on President Trump and thus Impeach, Impeach, Impeach...
Adam Schiff  on the floor of the House telling out right LIES! He's not in a locker room BSing with comrades...

Adam Schiff’s Versions Of Events Are Frequently False Or Missing Key Details

Garbage in below video starts at 4:14

Soros Linked to Whistleblower Report - Former US Attorney Finds Proof Buried in Footnotes

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