Saturday, November 2, 2019

Adam Schiff, really believes when he says something it is the truth... NOT!

What a hypocrite and idiot, without the Main Stream Media and the Liberal Circus done of the BS for the last 3 years would have ever happened. The country would have elected a new President and the campaign for a new President would have started 3 years later. This jerk needs a long sleeve white Jacket

Schiff Says Fox News Would Have Protected Nixon in Watergate: 'Devoid of Facts'

First, correctly state, by the media, to stop referencing the Shiff witch hunt as an impeachment inquiry. There was no official vote, so everything Shiff and his conspirators are conducting are against the law and House rules. No evidence of crime, no charges, no charges, no subpoenas. Any legal counsel knows you can't go looking for a crime. If that is the case, lets start with Pelosi and Shiff. I am sure there are many crimes committed.
Second, the so called voted resolution just allowed Shiff and the Dems to make up the rules as they go along, having the power to cut off the Republicans totally.
Third, Shiff and Pelosi think they are god and can do whatever they want without consequences.

Fourth, President Trump is President, so get over it.
Fifth, Republicans, grow a pair and "do something".

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