Friday, November 15, 2019


New Remarks From Top Ukrainian Official Damages Democrats’ Impeachment Narrative
-The Daily Wire
“Ukrainian Foreign Minister Vadym Prystaiko said on Thursday that the United States Ambassador Gordon Sondland did not link financial military assistance to a request for Ukraine to open up an investigation into former vice president and current Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden and his son, Hunter Biden,” Ryan Saavedra reports.
Even Impeachment ‘Rehearsal’ Hearings Won’t Help Dems
-New York Post
“Clever: By having witnesses go through closed-door hearings first, Dems can get a sense of what witnesses have to say privately and then tailor their questions for maximum impact during the public spectacle,” the New York Post editorial board writes. “Trouble is, even rehearsals don’t seem to help . . . No matter how many auditions they hold, it’s no substitute for hard evidence.”

The Daily Signal: Meet the impeachment witnesses’ anti-Trump lawyers
The President, Not Diplomats, Sets 'Official Foreign Policy'
-The Hill
“There must be some confusion. Under the U.S. Constitution, it is the president of the United States who determines foreign policy. How can President Trump be ‘at odds with foreign policy’ when he’s the one who determines it?” Sharyl Attkisson writes. “Trump’s enemies may cheer on the idea of diplomats and other officials choosing to oppose or undermine his wishes. But based on our Constitution, the dissenting diplomats are the ones who are at odds with “official foreign policy”— not the other way around.”

🎬 Must-see: Ukraine got their lethal aid from President Trump, not Obama
Trickster Adam Schiff Conjuring ‘Guilt’ Out of Thin Air
-New York Post
“For those who find the hearings far from riveting but watch out of obligation or amusement, here’s a modest suggestion to pass the hours productively: Count the important things your representatives could and should be doing otherwise,” Michael Goodwin writes. Fix immigration, pass USMCA, rebuild infrastructure—take your pick.
Trump Delivers a Salute to Veterans at Historic NYC Parade
“President Donald Trump paid tribute Monday to all Americans who have worn a military uniform, from the Revolution through present-day conflicts. He spoke at the start of the annual New York City Veterans Day parade,” Richard Sisk reports. President Trump became the first sitting U.S. President to attend the parade. “Our veterans risked everything for us. Now, it is our duty to serve and protect them,” he said.

🎬 Watch: The President and First Lady attend the NYC Veterans Day Parade

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