Friday, November 22, 2019


Schiff’s Impeachment Hearings Wasting Time When Congress Must Do Real Work
-New York Post
“Rep. Adam Schiff’s House Intelligence Committee has now heard all its announced public hearing impeachment witnesses, yet all those hours of televised testimony plainly failed on their announced goal: to change Americans’ minds,” the New York Post editorial board writes. Now, with all that time wasted, “Speaker Nancy Pelosi just said she doubts Congress has the time to pass the [USMCA] trade deal this year.”

 Here’s a rundown of what Schiff’s “fact” witnesses had to say.
How Republicans Won Phase One of Impeachment
-The Federalist
“The first phase of impeachment did not go well for Democrats. It needed to be a time when support for the inquiry and impeachment grew. Instead, it shrank,” Mollie Hemingway writes. “To begin with, not only was the vote to begin proceedings not bipartisan, there was bipartisan opposition to it.” Moreover, “Emerson polling showed that support for impeachment flipped since October,” with more Americans now opposed.

Same Swamp: Ratings fall flat as most Americans tune out impeachment spectacle
Why Dems Are So Worried After Latest Round of Impeachment Hearings
-New York Post
“The clock is ticking on Democrats’ chance to make their case. Pelosi is clearly worried, telling fellow Dems it’s a ‘weak response’ to ‘let the election decide’ whether President Trump should be removed,” Michael Goodwin writes. Her letter seemed strange when it became public Monday, but this week’s hearings have “more than justified her fear and desperation.”
Apple CEO Tim Cook and President Trump Toured a Texas Computer Factory to Tout US Manufacturing
President Trump has made fixing American trade deals a priority since day one, and a recent visit to a Texas factory offered the perfect opportunity to show Americans the results of those efforts. “I would always talk about Apple, that I want to see Apple building plants in the United States, and that’s what’s happening,” the President said.

🎬  Watch President Trump tour an Apple factory in Texas!
Confidence in Trump Economy at Record High, With No Hit From Impeachment
-Washington Examiner
“Another poll finds that public support for President Trump has not waned in the face of House impeachment hearings, and the approval for his handling of the economy has hit a new record high,” Paul Bedard reports. A new Gallup survey shows that 57 percent approve of the Trump Economy—the best number so far. “It comes as the stock market is hitting new highs, and unemployment is at a low for several groups.”

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