Monday, November 25, 2019

Impeachment Is Destroying Democrats

“The past two weeks, the nation was subjected to partisan impeachment hearings orchestrated by House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff (D-CA). The process has been unfair to not only House Republicans but also to the target of their investigation, President Trump,” Jeff Crouere writes in Townhall.

“On Thursday night, Democratic staffers enjoyed cocktails on Capitol Hill to celebrate the end of a week of televised impeachment hearings. The partygoers believed the hearings were a smashing success on the road to the impeachment of the President. Instead, the evidence shows that Democrats should be worried, not celebrating. The American people are tiring of the Democratic Party’s political antics.”

Click here to read more.
While House Democrats were in the middle of trying to sell their impeachment vision to Americans on national TV last week, “a new national survey finds independent voters leading a sharp swing in opposition to impeachment, the second major poll to produce those findings this week . . . The new poll found 49 percent oppose impeachment compared to 34 percent who support it,” Jonathan Easley reports in The Hill.
“Now that the public is finally getting around to acknowledging that Ukraine's government did insert itself in the 2016 election for the purpose of hurting President Trump's campaign, the national media are pretending that it didn't happen. In the case of the New York Times, they're pretending that they themselves weren't the ones to initially report on it,” Eddie Scarry writes in the Washington Examiner.
A North Carolina farmer is “getting the chance of a lifetime, seeing his turkeys take part in the National Thanksgiving Turkey Presentation [at the White House]. Wellie Jackson, a Butterball turkey farmer based out of Clinton, was selected nine months ago . . . Jackson says they raised the Presidential Flock like the rest of the turkeys: in a clean, healthy, and proper environment,” Michael Lozano reports for WTVD.
“The U.S. first family is gearing up for the holidays. First lady Melania Trump will receive the official White House Christmas tree Monday. The more than 5-meter-tall Douglas Fir was cut at Mahantongo Valley Farms in Pitman, Pennsylvania. Owner Larry Snyder won the honor of providing the White House with its official tree after winning an annual contest held by the National Christmas Tree Association,” VOA News reports.

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