Thursday, March 19, 2020

Trump Signs Coronavirus Aid Package with Paid Sick Leave, Free Testing

“President Trump on Wednesday signed into law a multibillion-dollar emergency aid package aimed at helping Americans impacted by the coronavirus,” Morgan Chalfant reports in The Hill.
The bipartisan measure, resulting from negotiations last week between the Trump Administration and Congress, “includes provisions offering paid leave benefits for Americans, bolstered unemployment benefits and free diagnostic testing for the virus.”
Click here to read more.

“Americans know how to rally against an enemy. Our nation was established on the principle that nothing can break us; no force is strong enough to withstand our undying fervor to preserve freedom and enjoy the lives that we choose to lead. Once again, Americans are coming together to defend the nation against a common threat,” Charlotte Pence Bond writes in The Washington Times.

“In what can only be described as a moment of unconscious self-parody, the media pretended not to understand why Trump would refer to the virus in geographic terms—as if they’d never heard of the Spanish Flu, West Nile Virus, Ebola, Zika, Lyme Disease, or the many other diseases named for their places of origin. As if they haven’t been doing the same thing for months,” John Daniel Davidson writes in The Federalist.

“Through a series of lies, blunders and cover-ups, the communist government of China has intensified the spread of the novel coronavirus . . . After decades of unethical trade practices and human rights violations, the coronavirus crisis should be the final straw against China’s case for global leadership,” Rep. Michael Cloud (R-TX) writes in Fox News.

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