Wednesday, June 17, 2020

I use to think this was just lies, I was WRONG!

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The idea that black and brown people can’t be racist is RACIST and utter Bs. My white skin got me verbally dragged out of a CVS in Hyde Park while i lived in LA cause according to the 2 men that harassed me out of the store.. i was an embarrassment “ain’t no white girl know sh!t about that” and forced me to leave the store before i even had a chance to pay My crime? I was wearing an NWA T-shirt with the wrong skin tone in the wrong neighborhood 🀷🏻‍♀️🀷🏻‍♀️ racism is learned and skin color makes no distinction on who can and cannot learn it. Go to the comment section of any famous biracial couple and prove me wrong. Follow FOR Thought provoking Red πŸ’Š @redpillbabe @redpillbabe Follow Backup @redpillbabe2 @redpillbabe2 ================================================================ Your perspective is just that.. yours. This is mine. I convince NO one , i prove nothing. Just here to show you the way i came while on this path @redpillbabe take what you need no credit necessary! wwg1wga #truthtolight #pizzagateisreal #rachelchandler #epsteinisland #voterfraud #thesepeoplearesick #painiscoming #operationmockingbird #epsteindidntkillhimself #maga2020 #whatisQ #okpedo #obamagate #redpill #taketheredpill

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