Tuesday, June 9, 2020


Why was James Wood's twitter account taken down because he listed the 96 police offices that were killed
James Wood says Twitter locked his account because ‘lefties’ in charge got irked

Why is Hollywood elites using their $ to bail out looters and rioters who destroyed Mom and Pop shops instead of using those $ to rebuild the Mom and Pop Shops?
Hollywood Elites Steve Carell, Seth Rogen Donate to Bail Out Minneapolis Rioters

New York City Mayor to rename streets to Black Lived Matter
NYC Mayor de Blasio announces plan to rename streets for Black Lives Matter movement
How is this going to stop the left from using racism to get Black Votes? Oh wait, he thinks this is going to buy their votes because this empty jesture shows he is compassionate.
I guess in the future they can take down the signs becuase other people will be offended.

Can we paint Black Lives Matter in front of all the Planned Parenthood offices?
On Average 1,876 Black Babies are aborted EVERY day!

Do BLM really care about Black Lives?
Save the Police  
What is Anfita?
Remember Obama?   Who he really is...
Members of the Coup   
Democrats response to Emergency 
The Democrat Party and Main Stream Media
Minneapolis dismantling the Police  Defund the Thought Police! 
Even the NAACP Questions Dems' Push To Defund Police
Only in America can...   
Will not Bow the knee  
This is how you stop racism  
Server Only God  
Police also die...  
New Police Shooting Stats Show Law Enforcement Is Not the Enemy

Stop worrying about how stressed you are and remember how Blessed you are

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