Thursday, June 11, 2020

United Freaks of America

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They can pick a trans non-binary queer to be their President before Antifa and BLM burns down the White House— (for the sin of being white, of course). We can get our wall, but will pívot the project to keep leftists out because at this point, I’d take 1 million undocumented Mexicans over 10 leftists, any day of the week. We’ll assume they want no territory in the south (because slavery happened there, duh) and that they’ll want to keep California since they’ve already spent so much time and effort destroying it. No religion in the UFA (they will strictly worship celebrities), and nobody will work ever because they are somehow going to keep stealing from one another and sustain their economy. White people will bow and wash the feet of black people daily. And if they don’t, they will be forced to wear the scarlet “R” (racist) upon their chest. Also no electricity, or planes, obviously. It’s the only way to save the planet from exploding in 10 years. Everyone must do their part in the UFA. All I’m saying is that leftist Secession should not be completely off the table. Bc at this point, I’d live in a teepee in Nebraska if it meant not having to continue to watch these amoral cretins continue to rob and loot and destroy this great nation. #Trump2020

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