Saturday, June 6, 2020

Why Riot?

Look at all the sheep following the brainwashing of the Liberal left. Wake up, BLM is BS, it should be LM (Lives Matter), anyone that puts a color in front of LM is a racist.   This same crap happens all the time when the Left needs to brainwash the minorities that they are the party of compassion and empathy and these sheep do not realize all this crap occurs in states run by Democrats. Go ahead call me a white supremacist, that will not stop you from behaving the same way that you have been for years, Mr. Floyd's death was horrible PERIOD. The cops will be put on trial and a jury will decide the verdict, NOT YOU!   One BAD cop does not warrant these types of protests. And who are the rioters and looter harming? Minorities Mom and Pop business that worked hard to better their lives.  Why them? Are they being punished and being taught a lesson for not staying in the place of needing and being dependent on the Democrat's Party? Police are Great! Protest all you want, Peacefully! But if you keep voting the same people into office Nothing Will Ever Change. You will all come to the light like moths when the left calls you again.  God Bless America!

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