Sunday, July 26, 2020

Damage Done to Vietnam Memorial

Message from a friend:
 I pass this along because I hope you feel as sick as I do for the wanton Soros funded destruction. One of the mob leaders testified on TV he was paid by Soros and also paid for any recruit he could enlist. 
I love history, family history, US history, and I feel so grateful for the USA.  In my extensive international travels, I would want to hug the US Customs official
and kiss the American soil on my return. I don't want to live in a Godless, Communist world, and I fear this is where we are headed, and worse, there will be many dirty tricks  in our vote this year. What an up-hill climb.
Damage Done to Vietnam Memorial

This is disgraceful and portends a sad era for the USA. 
These guys were drafted and still went over there to lay down their lives for their country.  And this is how their memories are honored!  Enough is enough.
First. we were spit at, cursed, and ridiculed after coming home from serving our country in Vietnam.  Now the rioters deface the monument honoring those that did not return.  This damage is very personal to me.

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