Monday, November 16, 2020


 Author unknown but this came from a former military member.

Take the time to read this.

10 days of darkness. KEY concept we’ve read about on the cue Military intel boards for years. There have been many times where many, including myself, have thought we were in it.

But all of us were wrong. Trump won the election. And then overnight, he had it stolen from him. We've had to watch the trolls dance on Trump's metaphorical grave & celebrate the fall of America + the rise of socialism.

4 days later, plenty of proof of cheating, & the media announce Biden as President Elect...projected, of course. I get messages every day from pissed, nervous Patriots who think what's the use? We can't stop them. We are fair.  And in the end, we still lost.

And where again is Bill Barr? Why hasn't he gotten involved yet? Valid questions. 

So What if I told you Trump wanted to lose? 
What if I told you that losing by way of FRAUD  from the other side was the plan? 

Trump HAD to win in a landslide, and he did.  Ever seen even one photo of a Trump rally compared with a Biden meet up? 
Don’t make me laugh. 
It’s embarrassingly bad. 

He had to win majorly so that the amount of cheating required for the Dems to win was so vast that it was impossible to hide it. 

Had Trump edged more closely like he did in 2016, there would have been no legal battle over it.

The lower courts would have thrown them out, like they are right now (except for PA). The Supreme Court wouldn't have heard it since it was both left leaning + there wasn't an emergency situation that involved national security.

But losing with a conservative lean in the courts, with mounds of evidence, was the play. Evidence that is impossible to deny. Now by the constitution, if the race is close, then Congress can decide the winner. This is why they cheated just enough to edge out a win for Biden so that if Trump challenged and couldn't get a supreme court case, they could just decide in favor of Biden.

Stay with me...I know this is a long one. I'm going to clean it up for you in a bit. The Dems think they have the optics on this one by declaring Biden the winner. 
But here's the thing...this race isn't even over. Here's why...

Patriot Joe M had his tweeter account suspended over this comment:

"Patriots, be warned. President Trump has legally 'claimed' the states he knows he won fairly. The counting going on is now just a formality because the intent is to settle in court, not at the counting stations. If he loses this count, it means nothing, because this election will be Amy Coney Barrett's to decide. I promise 
and guarantee you, Biden will never be sworn in as President."

Twitter took him down hours later. Not the post, the entire account. 
But What is he talking about? He used the key words "legally claimed" when referring to Trumps victory. In other words Trump will lose the election OPTICALLY, but the court will say he WON fairly. 

I know that sounds crazy to you but let me tell you why this is true. Biden won the count Cheating or not he won the count. That's a fact. But the states that kept accepting & counting ballots after the day of the election are  IN VIOLATION OF THEIR OWN STATE LAWS.

What? What am I talking about? 
PENNSYLVANIA...they have laws on the books that state that they CANNOT accept any new ballots that arrive AFTER the day of the election. 
Anything coming in afterward is invalid. Well, you're thinking, "well the SUPREME COURT overrode that law in a court ruling and gave them 3 more days to collect."

And you would be right. But according to how OUR government is set up, the courts can't CREATE law, they can only ENFORCE the law that is already on the books. In order for the state to follow the direction of the Supreme court of their state, they need to actually go back and rewrite the laws to REFLECT the courts decision.

People...every day is an IQ test because these bright souls didn't do that. They NEVER rewrote the laws to make the SUPREME COURT ruling legally binding. Well, what OTHER states were this careless and lazy with the legal process?

30 states! 
Over 30 states did the same thing and are violating their own laws by counting new votes after ELECTION DAY. In other words, all these trucks coming in at 2 and 3 in the morning on the morning of November 4th + beyond are INVALID. (On top of being COMPLETELY FRAUDULENT)

Biden WON the count, but only because they kept counting invalid votes for days after the election ended. The Surpreme Court of the United States will not count those votes. And since Trump was in the lead when the election ended, he is the legitimate legal president.

This is why I kept telling you all that ACB was the Trump card. The NUCLEAR card would be martial law and mass arrests...but that's a very dangerous call for the country. To win, legally in the court system, was the Trump card, people.

And while in the court they can unload all the evidence to show mass cheating. In Michigan, they discovered a glitch in the vote tally system. After votes were cast in one county, over 6000 votes for Trump "glitched" over into Biden votes. Glitched.

Well, this software was used in 47 other counties in Michigan...and used all over the COUNTRY. If they all averged the same number of vote glitches, that's well into the MILLIONS of votes that were altered after cast.

Here is the interesting part. The ballot machines...were ALL connected to the internet. Yes, they are supposed to be to linked to inTRAnet...meaning internal computer networks of that one facility But they're not supposed to be linked to the world wide web. Sydney Powell, General Flynn's attorney, said that they discovered an algorithm that calculated how many votes Biden needed to win.

She said they found out the machines were transferring just enough votes from Trump to Biden so that he could win. That's why they were doing "recounts" and we kept seeing Trumps numbers go down and Biden's go up in various states.

Now here is the "you can't make this stuff up" part. The software that the machines are using to tally up the votes is owned and controlled by Paul Pelosi. Yes...Nancy Pelosi's husband. He not only sits ON the board of the software company that tallies the votes, he’s majority OWNER of it.
Avid Election Software is shareholder owned by Diane Feinstein’s husband Richard Blumenthal of Blumenthal Capital Partners LP. 
Kid you not!

So these "glitches" that only "glitch" for one candidate isn't a glitch, it's a computer program designed to defraud all of this without any of us knowing it. It does it so fast that we can't even detect it during the actual counting.

This is how they were able to call states 10 minutes after the elections closed. (Florida 9pm) 

The algorithms calculated a Biden win based on information they entered into the system. 

Patriots...if ATTNY Sydney Powell has this information, you KNOW the DOJ does. And they probably have more that will come out in the Supreme Court hearings.

The DOJ. Where are they? They have the goods. They don't need the courts to tell them to arrest, just the command from POTUS. Why are they so quiet?

10 days of darkness.

It wasn't what we thought, people. It wasn't 10 days of media blackout, 10 days of social media blackout...10 days of darkness to a period of time where cue went dark, the President lost the election, and it looks like we’re headed to a socialist government.

The CONSTITUTIONAL law they can't get involved with the election until.....10 days after election day. 10 days. The election was on November 3rd, so by law they have to wait until the 14th to get involved.

It doesn't mean they can't make arrests. They can arrest some small time players that were involved with the plot. I'm told from a reliable source last night that a few of these arrests will happen next week sometime. But after 10 days, WILLIAM BARR can arrest anyone all the way from the intern in the Biden break room up to Biden himself.

Cue said the first big arrest will shock you. I can't see a more shocking ARREST than the "President-Elect" of the United States getting arrested for HIGH TREASON.

Joe Biden is sick - Parkinson’s Disease?

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Monday, November 9, 2020

Excuse Me While I Call BS: In Wisconsin

Pennsylvania House Speaker Calls for Full Audit of State Election Before Certifying Results

Attorney Sidney Powell Drops Massive Bomb: “We’ve Identified 450,000 Ballots That Miraculously Only Have A Vote For Joe Biden”

Fact check: President Pelosi? No, House speaker wouldn't assume role amid election delay

Will Trump Win? Is that what is the most important?

 We are all waiting and seeing. But this is so much more then Trump. This fraud has to be exposed, weather Trump wins or not, or we will never be able to trust the integrity of any election ever again.   Trump is now the pawn, I want him to win, but more important, this crap has to stop!

D'Amato: GOP Loss of Senate Majority Would Be a Catastrophe

Axios: Trump Plans to Present Evidence Dead People Voted in Election

Dick Morris: Trump Can Still Win

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Nolte: Fox News Channel‘s John Roberts and Chris Wallace Are Liars

Newsmax: We're Not Calling Election for Biden

Nolte: Backlash Against Fox News Explodes

'They Just Aired the Police Out': Eyewitness Laughs Hysterically as Officers Are Shot

Trump Campaign Seeks Public Records in Clark County Nevada as Part of Election Challenge

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Calls Democrats ‘Incompetent’ After Election Losses

SD Gov. Noem: ‘We Gave Al Gore 37 Days to Run the Process’ — Trump Voters Deserve Same Consideration

WATCH: Leader Kevin McCarthy on Maria Bartiromo!

Trump Campaign: Dead People Casting Votes in 2020 Presidential Election


Was Libertarian candidate Jo Jorgensen a 'spoiler' for Trump?

Pallets Full Of Ballots

Concession Speech

Click Here >We are not Leaving 

'Trump Accountability Project' Vows To Catalog Supporters of POTUS

Losing The Popular Vote, Winning The Electors And Other Electoral College Questions Answered

Nevada Whistleblower Says He Was Told To Process Ballots Without Signature Verification

Michigan County Flips to Trump After Major Vote Tabulation Error Discovered

Federal Investigators Arrive in Michigan After Voter Fraud Allegation Video Goes Viral

Secretary of Defense Confirms He's Prepping Massive Project Before January 20

Saturday, November 7, 2020

The American Report

The American Report 

Since 2015, FBI, DOJ Hid Secret Evidence Proving Hunter And Joe Biden’s China Ties Says CIA Whistleblower -

Biden Using SCORECARD and THE HAMMER To Steal Another U.S. Presidential Election

Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney USAF (Ret) And The American Report’s Mary Fanning Discuss SCORECARD And THE HAMMER Election Hack On Worldview Weekend With Brannon Howse - via @Shareaholic

REVOKED: Lisa Deeley, Chairwoman Of Philadelphia City Commissioners Overseeing 2020 Election, Lost PA Notary License In 2018 For Failing To Verify Signatures

Sidney Powell & Thomas McInerney help save America

What you are about to read is very frightening, if true, and...sad for our country. By Michael Charles

Please read copy and share!
Title: Who Won the Election?   Nov 4, 2020
by michael charles master (author of Save America Now, Rules for Conservatives, and the Birth Famine)
Who won the election? 
Did you watch the election returns on Tuesday night?  Did you stay up all night?  At about midnight on the east coast, Trump led in all the battleground states by large margins.  The betting odds were more than 75% for Trump to win.  Then for some unexplainable reason, Wisc, Mich, Pa, NC, and NV all stopped counting votes simultaneously... in unison.... took a "pause" ... at around 1 AM.    None of those states  counted any additional votes for the next 3 hours.  So what did they  do for those 3 hours?   
Let me point out a couple of things:
1.  All of those 5 states have Democrat governors.
2.  Suddenly during the 3 hour shut down, in the dead of night when most people were sleeping, all those states found enough votes for Biden to catch Trump.  5 for 5.  At midnight in Michigan, Trump was ahead by 5% (400 thousand votes) with 80% of the votes already counted.  When the next 10% of votes of about 400,000 were counted from Wayne County (Detroit), then suddenly Biden caught Trump with 90% of the votes in.  Biden made up 5% with 10% of the total vote.  That means that all the votes (close to 100%) from Wayne went to Biden.  That also means that practically all registered voters voted in Wayne County.   Does anyone believe any of that is possible?  The same thing happened in Madison, Wis, In Raleigh, NC, in Las Vegas, NV, and could be happening in Phil, Pa by Friday.  So why did all those Democrat stronghold cities take a "pause" to report their votes?     
3.  Not one pundit questioned why  a shut down in counting votes happened in all those states simultaneously.  Not one. Not even on FOX.  Not one questioned how almost all of the newly counted votes in those battleground states went to Biden.   Only NewsMax pointed out the coincidence of it happening in those 5 states with Democrat governors with Trump ahead before the "pauses."
4.  Wisc is now reporting 3,239,920 votes cast when there are only 3,129,000 registered voters on record.   More people voted than actually registered.  When questioned, the Democrat Sec of State says there are 3.6 million registered voters from late registrations.  Even if there are 3.6 million registered voters, that means that 90% of them voted when the average was 55 to 60% across the USA.  How did almost all votes from Madison go for Biden?  Almost 100% of registered voters, not just votes?  Did ballot harvesting happen?   How about in those other battleground states?   
4.  CNN, FOX, NBC, ABC, CBS all refused to call the elections in Tx and Fla until almost all votes were counted, yet FOX called Az only 30 minutes after the polls closed with less than 50% of the votes.  Arizona had a million outstanding votes in Republican Maricopa County with Biden ahead in the state by only 100,000 when Az was called for Biden.   
If you think that the media cartel was hard at work demonizing Trump  for the last 4 years ... 94% negative Trump reports.... then it was in full swing last night at protecting those Democrat governors in the battleground states.
Think about this for a moment:   “resist” by Democrats from the first day that Trump was elected, recounts, no peaceful transition of power, impeachment, 3 years of false accusations about Trump colluding with Russia to affect the 2016 election, Mueller,  Comey/Clapper/Brennan with the FISA requests and the Steele Dossier paid by Hillary Clinton, 22 FBI agents lost their jobs because of spying on Trump, riots/looting/violence, continued polls that proved to  be wrong, $400 billion by Soros and Bloomberg for Biden,  Wall Street 4 to 1 in donations to Biden, lack of coverage about the Bidens' relationships with China/Russia/Ukraine/Burisma, and then Covid, covid, covid around the clock by the media ...  with little mention of the record economic and international results by Trump. 
Covid became the reason for the unsolicited mail out of ballots by Democrat governors.  Covid was used to  scare voters and to distract them from Trump accomplishments.  Covid was used as the reason to shut down economies in Democrat run states.  Let's see what happens with Covid now that Democrats and the media no longer need it.   
So did those battleground states run by Democrats use ballot harvesting or any other types of election fraud?  How did the vote tallies change so dramatically after those Democrat governors "paused" in their election counts in the dead of night?  In all 5 Democrat controlled battleground states?  If the media, Democrats,  and deep state could be in such collusion against Trump for 4 years, then how hard is it to question collusion in ballot counting last night by those Democrat governors?
What gets lost with a Biden election? for staters: any investigation of Biden with Burisma and China, the Barr investigations, the Durham investigations, the investigations of deep state players, and Constitution integrity with DC as a state and with packing the Supreme Court.  Democrats had lots on the line so they practiced “the end justifies the means”  just as Alinsky instructed.  They cheated and the media helped. 
Who won the election?  Average working Americans lost.   Election integrity lost.  No matter who won, America got less great.
And now they want us to 'get along' and act as if nothing happenned the last 4 years
In God We Trust

From R.M

 The generational families may have once ruled but much of their progeny is now LGBTQ so they are working very hard with selected gullible and controllable peoples to assume their roles. 

The Shadow Government is out of the Shadows


So, with this, I’m just gonna say, let God lead. What you see with North Carolina is what we’ve seen with many states where Trump has won decisively. The moment they notice he’s winning big, they either stop counting or simply stop updating. Unprecedented. 

And someone asked me a very intelligent question, he said “why is Trump allowing all these to happen? He’s the president!” 

Well, the answer to that is, there are two governments in America - the shadow government and the conventional, real government, which Trump runs. The shadow ones? They’re in the shadows and they’re older than any government that comes to power. They have more spread, more connections and obviously wields more power for the most part. And they’re extremely corrupt. 

They often decide who becomes president and doesn’t. When they failed to stop Trump in 2016, they were shocked and embarrassed. So Trump went after them, vowing to uncover their corrupt dealings and expose them all for who they are. 

For all the years that Trump was in power, they plotted the game you see unfolding tonight. The whole world is shocked at what has happened at the elections and can hardly believes this is happening in America. But they don’t care because to them, this is a dog fight for survival and all items are on the table. 

Being a known fighter, Trump has predicted they’d come for him. He knew they were gonna do all they’re doing but there was no other way he could’ve stopped them without the help of the ordinary people. 

Now that they have done these things, and it looks the fighter in Trump is set to fight on, we will see how far he goes with that fight as Americans urge him on. 

But quiet frankly, if he caves and gives concession to Biden, our world will be a very very different place, and it will be on record that just like during the 2015 Nigerian elections that brought Buhari to power, that we did all we could to sound the alarm. 

Never wanted to see an election that is decided in court but I can’t pretend we didn’t see it coming. 

From the final outcome at the Supreme Court, we’ll know if God is giving us this much talked about SECOND CHANCE or not. 

The MSM believes it is them who decides an election

 Because they arrogant BASTARDS.  they believe they are the righteous always right Dominos of our society and whatever they say us peons will bow down to.

The unveiling has started, they will fall. Even if Trump is not president he had opened Pandora's box.

So much more has happened that no one is talking about, the left lost seats in the house and next year is when boundaries are redrawn for census as in voting districts,  the Republicans have a lot more say, so stayed tuned. Biden's agenda us going nowhere Kalama will be dead in her tracks.  We gave the senate and Mitch McConnell will not let biden appoint any left socialist into the cabinet.  Thus biden will be handcuffed, and when realized this,  watch him say he is reaching across the aisle, like he had a choice.

This is a chess match,  we have more pieces, and powerful pieces on the board.  The Shadow government is not in the light, time to take them down.

Electors in each state cast the votes that decide who becomes president of the United States. Usually, electoral votes align with the popular vote in an election. But a number of times in our nation's history, the person who took the White House did not receive the most popular votes.

Call the Electoral Boards in your state and DEMAND they choose Donald J. Trump to be our President.

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ELECTION FRAUD ALERT: Nevada USPS Worker Pledges Ballot Fraud To Remove ...

Bucks County, PA Board of Elections Director Tom Freitag CONFIRMS Spoile...

Post Election

They think their opinions are Facts!

 The Darn  MSM keep saying there is no proof. Even John Roberts of Fox. What I say to them is do your dam job and investigate, they are like "If a tree falls in the forest and they are not there to hear it, it does not make a noise". In other words, they do nothing, they are not investigating, they just talk BS. Project Veritas are the only investigators.