Saturday, November 7, 2020

The Shadow Government is out of the Shadows


So, with this, I’m just gonna say, let God lead. What you see with North Carolina is what we’ve seen with many states where Trump has won decisively. The moment they notice he’s winning big, they either stop counting or simply stop updating. Unprecedented. 

And someone asked me a very intelligent question, he said “why is Trump allowing all these to happen? He’s the president!” 

Well, the answer to that is, there are two governments in America - the shadow government and the conventional, real government, which Trump runs. The shadow ones? They’re in the shadows and they’re older than any government that comes to power. They have more spread, more connections and obviously wields more power for the most part. And they’re extremely corrupt. 

They often decide who becomes president and doesn’t. When they failed to stop Trump in 2016, they were shocked and embarrassed. So Trump went after them, vowing to uncover their corrupt dealings and expose them all for who they are. 

For all the years that Trump was in power, they plotted the game you see unfolding tonight. The whole world is shocked at what has happened at the elections and can hardly believes this is happening in America. But they don’t care because to them, this is a dog fight for survival and all items are on the table. 

Being a known fighter, Trump has predicted they’d come for him. He knew they were gonna do all they’re doing but there was no other way he could’ve stopped them without the help of the ordinary people. 

Now that they have done these things, and it looks the fighter in Trump is set to fight on, we will see how far he goes with that fight as Americans urge him on. 

But quiet frankly, if he caves and gives concession to Biden, our world will be a very very different place, and it will be on record that just like during the 2015 Nigerian elections that brought Buhari to power, that we did all we could to sound the alarm. 

Never wanted to see an election that is decided in court but I can’t pretend we didn’t see it coming. 

From the final outcome at the Supreme Court, we’ll know if God is giving us this much talked about SECOND CHANCE or not. 

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