Friday, November 26, 2021

‘Severe Reactions’ to Covid Vaccines Far More Common Than Official Reports Show According to New Polling Data | Becker News

 CDC Admits Crushing Rights of Naturally Immune Without Proof They Transmit the Virus

‘Severe Reactions’ to Covid Vaccines Far More Common Than Official Reports Show According to New Polling Data | Becker News

There have been complaints that the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is underreporting Covid vaccine reactions, despite it being a “passive” system. Nonetheless, there have been more than 650,000 adverse events reported in the U.S. after taking the Covid-19 vaccine, according to data from the CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS):

While the CDC and FDA give the impression that many of these side effects are ‘minor’ in nature – fever, headache, chills, fatigue, etc. – there is mounting cause for concern that there are prevalent Covid vaccine Adverse Events (AEs) that are far more serious in nature.

Richard Baris, also known as the People’s Pundit, is currently one of the best pollsters in the country. Baris was concerned by the noticeable disparity between the AEs reported in Pfizer’s documents and the VAERS website, and took it upon himself to start polling Americans directly about their vaccine experiences. He went above and beyond the critical threshold needed for a representative sample of national significance by polling 2,414 registered voters across the country. Furthermore, he drilled down enough to check all the boxes on represenative subgroups. This gives his results a sound 95% confidence interval in terms of their representative value.

The Baris poll shows that the “serious adverse effects” from the Covid vaccines – described as events so serious they “prevent daily activity” – were reported to be 5.2% among all groups. This spans self-identified Democrat, Republican, and Independent voters.

The extrapolated data would project out at a national scale to around 9.4 million “serious” adverse events, which alone dwarf the VAERS reports by 14 times over.  But if you take all of the events together, a whopping 63% of Americans who take the vaccines have some kind of adverse event.

It’s not just pollsters who are sounding the alarm on serious Covid vaccine events: Cardiologists are reporting a huge spike in heart inflammation cases to the American Heart Association (AHA).

A cardiac surgeon has circulated a warning to the AHA that heart inflammation markers are drastically increasing in patients in conjunction with increasing mRNA Covid vaccination rates.

The warning to the AHA is clear: “Patients had a 1 in 4 risk for severe problems after the vaccines, compared to 1 in 9 before.”

It is important to note that Pfizer’s documents reveal that there should be far more Adverse Events than are being officially reported; however, we cannot say how much more, because Pfizer is redacting documents that were used for the Emergency Use Authorization by the FDA.

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