Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Senator Gillibrand is polling ZERO in the polls, what must be done to grab attention?  Press the Women Hot button, Abortion and Pro-Lifers and call them Racist!

So sad...

Pro-Lifers, Senator Gillibrand Equates You With Racists and Anti-Semites

Do you know who Margaret Sanger is?    She was the founder of the American Birth Control League which became Planned Parenthood.

What was Ms. Sanger's goal for creating such a foundation?

May I suggest it was Eugenics?

Would you be surprised that, 79% of Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinics Target Blacks, Hispanics

Abortion rates by race and ethnicity

Abortion Demographics – Who Has an Abortion?

Can you decide who the racist is now?


Tuesday, June 11, 2019

We are not exaggerating, Joe Biden will say/Lie about anything, to get your vote...

Obama 2.0: Biden Promises To Cure Cancer if Elected President

The Mueller report failed to bring down President Trump, The democrats wasted two plus years and millions of tax payer's money. In that time, what legislation have they passed to help, us, the American People?

The Public believes that when a President is impeached, he is automatically taken out of office. Low information voters, pandered by the left, have it all wrong.
Impeachment is a charge of HIGH CRIMES and MISDEMEANORS.
The trial is held in the Senate, where a two third majority have to vote to find a President Guilty.
So people, how many Senators are there, and how many are Republicans? What are your chances of your coup being a successful Coup via impeachment?

Mitch McConnell Makes It Clear That Impeachment Is Toast In The Senate

House votes to hold Barr, McGahn in 'contempt,' with another vote expected soon

The Mueller report, annotated

The Military Coup Against Donald Trump of 2018, Part 1

The Military Coup Against Donald Trump of 2018, Part 2

Andrew McCarthy: Was Brennan's 'intelligence bombshell' the Steele dossier? Signs point to yes

Mueller appears to have edited voicemail transcript between John Dowd and Flynn lawyer

Let President Trump, be Trump

Mitch McConnell Backtracks on Tariffs: ‘It Worked’

Trump Blasts Dems: Mexico Doing More for Americans Than Dems When It Comes to the Border

Joe Biden says he wants to "Make America, America Again"
Guess he forgot what President Obama thought of America...

Barack Obama's Top 10 Apologies: How the President Has Humiliated a Superpower

Colbert Mocks Biden's Potential 2020 Slogan: 'Move Over MAGA'

FYI, Joe still does not seem to have ideas of his own, as this slogan was recently used my Michael Avenatti

But it seems all Democratic Candidates, rip off Republicans, as it was Scott Baio, who originally coined this phase at the Republican Convention.

George Soros Pumping Nearly A Million Into Virginia Prosecutor Races

Democrats To Host Event With Psychiatrists Warning About Trump’s Mental Health

Obama: I will use my pen and phone to take on Congress

Barack Obama’s Executive Order on DACA was Unconstitutional

The Legality of Obama’s Executive Orders (And Why You Should Care)

Ex-Clinton Aide: If Trump Investigated Nadler, Schiff as They Are Him, He’d Be Impeached

MSNBC Panel Misses the Point: President Trump Welcomes Strong Women, Treats Them as 

EqualsBette Midler slammed for ‘vulgar’ tweet about Melania Trump

President Donald Trump bashes Bette Midler after she apologized for sharing fake quote